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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. I've spent most of the day so far manning the pumps. Vide sanitaire and control technique both under water. Got an alarm from my insurance company late last night advising against travel. Fortunately we had large drains installed all around the house when we arrived which normally prevent any damage internally. One of those missing was in a car found just down the road from us. Very sad but unfortunately all too common.
  2. If I want to sound officious I begin with 'Dear Sirs' and end with 'yours'. If I want to be a little more friendly I'll use 'kind regards'. 'Regards' only gets used if I know them.
  3. Sounds expensive and if there's one thing our Mairie hates doing it's spending money. And besides, our local handyman doesn't get the chance to play with diggers very often.😀 Still mustn't hijack the thread ( Sorry Guardian )
  4. Haven't had a chance to get to the markets this week. The Mairie are installing new water meters at the road edge. Unfortunately information on where the actual pipe runs has been lost in the mists of time so we've have two weeks of digger man putting holes anywhere and everywhere. Most of this week I couldn't even get out of my front gate. With luck things should be back to normal next week so I'll be on the lookout for some asparagus.
  5. Can't wait for the asparagus, poached egg instead of the butter for me though. I'm fortunate in that wild strawberries grow in my woods. Tiny little things but packed with flavour. You can always try improving shop bought strawberries with a grinding of pepper.
  6. Moi aussi, unfortunately the feelings not mutual. I'll cook with them but have to fish them out before eating. Luckily I don't have the same problem with Chilies.
  7. Jerusalem artichokes taste like vomit to me. I've never tried ratatouille as I'm allergic to peppers.
  8. If I had been in your circumstances, I too would have assumed the contract was automatically rescinded once the car was sold/scrapped. Thank you Menthe for heads up. Something else to check if the need arises.
  9. Patrick hasn't posted here in 13 years so I doubt he's still looking at the forum. I suggest you pm him. If his email address is still valid he'll get an alert.
  10. Done it!! click and hold to edit title - ( not sure if this just works for mods. )
  11. Not at all, it was a Wise account. I want to try out their debit card. Just realised that my title should have read 'At last a Brexit bonus'. Can't figure out a way to correct it so sorry folks for the typo.
  12. My god ALBF, you only discovered the internet 13 years ago!! Where had you been living, in a cave??
  13. Spent part of yesterday opening a new bank account online. No problem until it came to photographing the id. New passport has something wrong with it. It doesn't work in e-gates and, on this occasion, was rejected as the software insisted it was a photocopy not the original. Thought I was going to have to admit defeat until I noticed that included in the list of acceptable ID's was a French residency card. Fished that out and now everything's good to go. So thank you Brexit, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had to apply for a card that is more use to me than my British passport.🤣
  14. On the subject of cheese, Camembert could soon be a thing of the past. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/05/think-emmanuel-macron-has-problems-wait-until-the-french-find-out-about-the-existential-threat-to-camembert
  15. I think you'll also find it at Intermarche & Carrefour. Essential for a decent Ploughmans I think.
  16. Well I have to admit I'd never heard of Wallace or his fountains before this thread. I'm off to London for Easter and, following Loiseau's and Judith's reviews, I think I'll make a visit to the museum. According to the website there's supposed to be one in Uzes so I may try and hunt that one down as well.
  17. Notes of the Wallace fountain at Hertford house. Apparently it's for display purposes only. https://wallacefountains.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/London.pdf This gives a list of the fountains worldwide. https://wallacefountains.org/about-sir-wallace-and-his-fountains/wallace-fountains-worldwide/
  18. Apparently not even the first class seats are big enough https://www.airguide.info/overweight-british-airways-passenger-gets-stuck-in-first-class-seat-on-lagos-to-london-flight/ 'The situation took an unexpected turn as an engineering decision was made to remove the suite door and employ a hoist to safely extricate the passenger from seat 1A.'
  19. Really - since when? I always thought it meant ' you are an idiot - get off the road!!'
  20. Apparently Harry is now planning to visit his dad. This does not bode well.
  21. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68208157
  22. You're probably right, I was just trying to expand it to the rest of us.
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