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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. From what I can gather ALBF moved to France at a much earlier age than most of us, including me. He has worked, married and raised children here and is perfectly entitled to express opinions that differ from most if he wishes. It's not 'bleating' to open up a discussion of whether or not, if people had their time again, they would make the same choices. It's common knowledge that most Brits who move to France don't end up dying there. So, maybe the question should be, what would finally make you move back to the UK?
  2. There are many times I've regretted buying the house that we did. We were stitched up good and proper by the notaire and the estate agent who both ended up doing time for unrelated matters. I'm now resigned to the fact that the property is to all intents and purposes unsellable. But the question I ask myself is, 'where else would I be? '. If I had my time over again I would probably still move to France ( hopefully to a decent house ). I have no emotional connection to the UK. I worked there for 14 years and, once the work dried up, had no interest in staying. As to where I was born, well even as a child I found it claustrophobic. Goodness knows what it would feel like now. I think, as with many of these questions there is a 'grass is always greener' element but on balance I'd say I'm content with my lot.
  3. https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/11/29/mere-et-ses-filles-jumelles-retrouvees-mortes-chez-elles-la-these-dun-double-infanticide-suivi-dun-suicide-se-precise-11609623.php The father, having raised the alarm, was there when the bodies were found. That poor man.
  4. Well you obviously haven't read our terms and conditions πŸ€”
  5. Suggest you look at the Returnal forum on Steamcommunity.com. This isn't really the forum for that type of expertise.
  6. According to the Service Public website you must declare that you have sold the vehicle either by using ANTS or a smartphone ap or an agreed agent. All the details are here https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1707 If you're not selling to a professional I personally wouldn't trust the buyer to do it for you.
  7. ALBF you have my sympathy. Unfortunately your mixed nationality family is always likely to attract the attention of an unimaginative jobsworth with time on his hands. If it makes you feel any better, I came back via Eurostar a couple of weeks back and the French customs officer didn't believe my article 50 carte de sejour was genuine ( he wouldn't admit it but I think it was the first he'd seen ) so kept asking me how long I intended to stay in France. 'Until I die' apparently wasn't an acceptable answer.πŸ˜’
  8. Spam posters are banned at the same time as deleting the offending post. Of course, if they manage to post half a dozen times before we get to them it might seem as we are letting them have another go. We're not, it's just a case of who's fastest with the fingers. FWIW there are a couple of tells I've discovered which I wouldn't want to mention on an open forum which means I'm able to ban 'new members' before they get a chance to post their spam. 10 so far today. πŸ™‚
  9. DaveLister


    Doesn't look that dark to me.
  10. When I lived in the UK we used to have the most amazing food delivered from Scotland. Loch Fyne kippers, arbroath smokies, caledonian cheeses, fantastic back bacon and oatcakes. Their shellfish was brilliant too. I always thought that, if I ever got to visit, I wouldn't starve.
  11. and you'll be surprised how quickly the first five years will pass. πŸ˜€
  12. I've always fancied going to Edinburgh. I'm glad you liked it.
  13. I think you have to apply for permanent residence. It isn't automatic. Also, if you're going to apply you have to remember that during the qualifying five years you cannot leave France for a consecutive period exceeding six months and, in total, you cannot spend more than ten months out of the country.
  14. I think most of us that are residents moved well before Brexit so our understanding of the new visa systems might be limited but by doing a bit of research I can confirm that a Visiteur visa would not entitle you to apply for either a Carte de Sejour pluriannuelle or Carte de Resident 10 ans.
  15. To all those in its path. Stay safe you guys πŸ™
  16. Menthe, I'm so sorry. It's horrible when these things happen but.. You gave him everything he was prepared to take. He chose where he wanted to die. Sometimes, standing back is all we can do.
  17. My first thought would be don't do it. My last cat became ill during lockdown and I scoured the internet for ways of humanly killing him and all I found were dire warnings of what could happen if it went wrong. It's a horrible situation to be in Menthe and the only thing I can suggest ( if he's so afraid of humans that you're unlikely to get him to the vet ) is that perhaps a kindly hunter might put him out of his misery. Sorry
  18. If you want an all in one solution perhaps you could try a 'professionnel du dΓ©barras'. I've done a search online and found a couple of websites that might help. https://www.debarras-de-maison.com/ https://www.lescompagnonsdebarrasseurs.com/debarras-maison.html I hasten to say I've no experience of using this kind of service.
  19. Our local red cross will take most stuff.
  20. I'm assuming most RHD cars would have a foreign number plate. Otherwise wouldn't it be noted on the Carte Gris ?
  21. You've got me really curious now. Why is someone living in America interested in a forum about France ? Go on wilsondavid tell us about yourself. πŸ˜€
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