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anotherbanana last won the day on June 3

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  1. filer à l’anglaise: possible origins, L’expression proviendrait de l’ancien verbe "anglaiser", pour "voler". Par la suite, on aurait utilisé "filer à l’anglaise" pour désigner la façon discrète dont part un voleur qui vient de faire son coup. Par analogie, on a aussi vu apparaître l’expression "partir comme un voleur".
  2. Well, the Tour has started so what with that, training and walking Maizy, painting the garden walls, gardening, watering my far too many flower pots, the days are going to be full, methinks. At least the diet is working, 10 kg gone and only another 10 to lose; the secret, no wine, no or few carbs and trying to eat at lunchtime with just a snack in the evening. And summer seems to have arrived.
  3. Someone has reported being unable to reply to posts; he gets a line across the screen when he tries to do so. Anyone else getting this problem?
  4. Will the Left party last until the second round? this article fills in some of the gaps. https://unherd.com/2024/06/the-faux-radicalism-of-the-popular-front/?tl_inbound=1&tl_groups[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&utm_source=UnHerd+Today&utm_campaign=43623e696c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_06_27_09_54&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79fd0df946-43623e696c-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]
  5. Looks as if there is a high risk of some pretty violent weather at the weekend for the bottom two thirds of the country, excluding the NW. But watch out everywhere folks as I dont want to start climbing trees to get you down or your greenhouses! https://www.lefigaro.fr/meteo/meteo-des-orages-puissants-vont-toucher-la-france-20240627
  6. Does this mean I could not head up the French Security Services, such as they are?
  7. Nothing like a tasty Saint; round here they curry the remains. Good when slurped on a baguette with a decent beer.
  8. Well, the Ducasse is over, with a huge turnout from several villages, with much punch, beer and wine, a roasted pig and the usual sausages.Plus dancing and whatever until 2 am at least. Very congenial. What a pity that such an ancient fete, MidYear, of deeply primitive and significant origins and very satisfying should have been taken over by the Church and linked, for no good reason to St. Jean, whoever he or she was, so that it became the Fête de St Jean. And this evening, for €1 euro we can all go and eat the remains.
  9. So, Minteroonie, we now know you like men in face masks; any other accoutrements like leather, tight shorts and animal fur? You must love the Trooping of the Colour.😵‍💫🤪🤣🤡
  10. Ooops, Dave, didnt realise you were having to get rid of all the rubbish posts. Must be because I am not an early riser!
  11. Troops, not clans; there was a football match, or is it footbore!
  12. Sorry about the caps, Judith and others, but it seemed important to get the message across quickly; remember that many members are elderly and more likely to notice caps!😜
  13. OKDOKEY, Lori Lori, well,spotted. ; let’s hope that the intrusions are minimal as my fellow moderator needs his rest! I think new members may now sign up again too.
  14. Do t we say clans of monkeys⚡️ The reason that they say coude à coude is because it is there that the rivals batter each other for places.
  15. Mid June and 12 degrees here earlier. What the heck, Putin, Macron fixing the weather?
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