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  1. Indeed, you can do similar things with English ...
  2.  Just had a look, can't even book yet for my 3rd dose when it is due .. diary doesn't go that far in our local centre  ...
  3. Too early for me, my 6 mths is not yet up .. mid-end October for me.
  4. Amazon UK add the charges properly (and as suppliers should do) before they send it.  Likewise, all my Amazon Uk orders have been free of charges when they arrive. In other words, I paid all the necessary costs during the order process.
  5. Most places are scannig those they do not know (this morning I had a coffee in a place I'd never been, asked and shown, easy enough..  2 gents came in, weren't asked, she must have known them, their coffees arrived without order!).  One resto last week asked if we had the passes, and when we said yes they did not ask to see them! As ever down here, take it as it comes (both towns of varying sizes .. we were also asked in the one resto I have so far used in our village since the pass came in).
  6. St Emilion .. not far .. and lots to do including sampling a few wines .. there was a little train which went around ... along the Garonne there is Cadillac and a museum of automata if that sort of thing appeals.  Castillon le Bataille where the 100 years war ended.  The countryside to the SE of Bordeaux, between the Garonne and Dordogne rivers is beautiful, not spectacular, but very English, lots of little villages. My knowledge is out of date, but some things always appeal.  Doesn't Chessie live in 47, she might have some ideas.  We were very close to both the Gironde and Dordogne borders (ie in the top corner of 47).  It's also the Pays d'Albrecht, (sp) where Henry of Navarre was from ..
  7. I use olive oil to lubricate me and the board .. it seems to work, mine today had too much water and it was as floppy as I don't know what ..sticking etc, but  I  kneeded with olive oil .. just been to see how it's getting on now .. yes, still a bit sloppy but it's risen OK, so it's going in now ...
  8. [quote user="Théière"]Its widely accepted that IPA was created by George Hodgson's Bow Brewery way before larger breweries. Being located close to the East India Company in London.[/quote]Agreed, Allied were not the "creator" of IPA, it was the nearest word  I could think of when it was they who were producing it in the 70's. It was of course created for the Indian  market, but by whom, I did not know.  The histroy of who bought ot which brewery to arrive at the scenario of the 70's, never mind the 90's onwards, is another matter altogether.
  9. [quote user="NormanH"]There seems to have been an explosion of places making 'bière artisanale' in the last ten years.https://www.lacaveabieres-beziers.fr/ [/quote] Yes, a new one opened in our village quite recently .. though with a name like "Fox's Hat" if I remember correctly, I think they are English or from some other anglohone nation. 
  10. [quote user="Lehaut"]After years of drinking dry cider with my Saturday curry, I suddenly switched to beer. I have developed a taste for IPA (my father used to work for John Smiths, and I have a childhood memory of shuddering at the hoppy taste after draining the last few drops of IPA from one of their bottles) Here in Nantes we have the Little Atlantic Brewery, lunched there in July when things began to open up (no this is not an advert!). Their excellent Exocet IPA had an IBU rating next to it (50), which I had never seen before ( international bitterness unit). The highest I have enjoyed so far is 54 from a Corsican IPA. A voyage of discovery in local French Beers I am much enjoying.[/quote] That brings back a few memories.  My first job was with the then Allied Breweries .. the brewery which "created" IPA .. and later I lived in Tadcaster .. with Sam's next door to John's [Smiths] for the unknowing .. and often followed Sam's horses on the road to work .. if we timed it wrongly.  I didn't go for bitters, I always preferred the heavier beers, towards the stout end .. Old Peculier being a particular favourite. 
  11. Indeed NormanH!  Oh we knew where it was Ok, and where to park, but allowing for the time needed to be there, the travel time, the rush hour traffic and walking from the parking .. it was much safer (and actually nice to have a night "out" albeit hotel confined!, for once!!  And I would have never got OH away on time ... FYI we stayed at the Mercure which was in acceptable walking distance .. 10-15  mins ... and the only time except for my visits to the Oncopole where we have stayed overnight anywhere during hte whole of the pandemic! Making a pleasant time out of necessity seemed a very sensible idea to me!!
  12. David, glad it all went well.  Like you, we too decided to stay in a hotel (Beziers in our case) overnight, and checked the best way to walk to the sous-prefec (I do have some walking problems, but fine with a stick and plenty of time) and its timing the day before.  As with Carca parking is not so easy at Beziers either and it was rush hour too!  As our appointments were so early, we had breakfast back at the hotel afterwards before packing and leaving to travel the less than 1 hour back home again.  Like you we were in and out in 5 minutes each though we had to go in separately as both mobile.  The entry door organisation at Beziers was slightly less organised than that at Carca, but this was in March. And as you rightly surmise, it is only right to give feedback, and help others too.
  13.  2 hours ago: #Feu de #Moux fixé 320 pompiers restent mobilisés cette nuit pour assurer une surveillance Circulation sur les voiries départementales ré-ouvertes Fermeture de la RD 212 dès demain 26 juillet à 08h00
  14. As far as I know from various comments at church this morning, the fire was under control, but was still smouldering and breaking out .. wind still strong .. some had good views from their various terraces, I'd say it is 30 mins driving from here.  Wind now dropped so I suspect it will be sorted soon, and yes, hubby heard the Canadairs .. I was busy with earphones singing in my virtual choir.
  15.  Sadly, a regular occurence at this time of year in the forested areas and brush lands around here ... Lori, be warned that your house search should take the nearness of such land into account ..  not just flooding .. it's a harsh land around here.
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