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  1. Congratulations on your naturalisation Norman!! Your next step will be the "Cérémonie de naturalisation et d’accueil dans la citoyenneté française” which I am sure you will enjoy. In 2011 we were invited to our préfecture for our ceremony. Together with others from various countries, the Préfet, in full official uniform, welcomed us as new citoyens. We felt very proud and happy to shake his hand and receive our naturalisation documents: decrees signed by the Prime Minister, letter from the President, livret de famille, brand new birth certificates and mariage certificate, “Inscription sur les listes électorales”, "Déclaration des droits de l’homme et de citoyen du 26 août 1789”, and the words of the Marseillaise. Later we applied for passports and cartes d'identité - great things to have. What does all this give us? Security for our future as French nationals and European citizens, welcomed by and settled into our chosen homeland. We now have the same freedoms, equality, rights and responsibilities as our fellow French citizens. And we are effectively immune from the machinations of any present or future UK government. Long may we, and you, exercise those rights and freedoms!
  2. I totally agree. Also : Dye your hair dark.Change your name, because it's bound to be a dead giveaway.
  3. Hope you have a good stay and a good trip. I have just read the replies you got from the South East. Amazing. Whereas here in the South West we are always happy if we can help!
  4. Try the Holiday Inn Express : 39 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLEBLAGNAC, 31700 FRANCEFront Desk: 33561310600 I booked a room there for one night a few years ago for a flight the next morning, returning in 11 days. I was able to leave the car in the private car park behind the hotel, take the navette to the airport in the morning and, on my return, pick up the car. It must have been a special package - worth looking to see if it still exists.
  5. A few weeks ago we heard groups of three loud coos/hoots on a single note, repeated many times at dusk.  We thought of toads but it was coming from a tree... It echoed rather like a sonar. We concluded that it was a hoopoe : https://vimeo.com/145409630, especially as we saw him the next day.
  6. A number of banks provide 'assurance multirisque habitation' via their own subsidiary insurance company or an agreement with an insurer, for example Credit Agricole/Pacifica.  But any French insurer would understand your requirements and give you a quote for your intended use, for example:  Generali, Aviva, Groupama, Gan, AIG, AXA...
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