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Harnser last won the day on October 11

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  1. And the US recent hurricane warnings were overhyped - it was cited as a category 3, as soon as it made landfall it was a relatively mild Cat 1.
  2. It's amazing how something as simple as walking gets more complicated and now needs a training course!
  3. Their weather news is about as accurate as the rest of the news they broadcast. Meteo France is also suffering from computeritis weatherinsis as their forecasts are now done by AI instead of real live people who might be capable of spotting bloopers before it going live.
  4. https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2024/09/26/opioides-tramadol-et-codeine-seront-prescrits-sur-ordonnance-infalsifiable-a-partir-du-1-decembre_6334443_3224.html
  5. The first question to ask is "Why do you think you need a heat pump" In other words, what are you trying to achieve?
  6. Why are you constantly promoting the looney left? The extreme far right only exists in the mind of the looney left. The so-called far right in france is more centre right to right wing than far right.
  7. "Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks and the promotion of pseudoscience" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/huffington-post/ Not a source I would regard as reliable.
  8. As there have been no replies I will try to help you, despite you not stating what class of licence entitlement you already have. If you just have a "B" licence (car), that covers quite a range of vehicles, for non -professional use for which no medical is required at age 70 unless you have medical or vision problems. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2827?lang=en
  9. https://www.ouest-france.fr/politique/michel-barnier-premier-ministre-emmanuel-macron-confirme-son-cap-a-droite-b920893a-6b7e-11ef-87ff-6b83746dd621 The head of state has also - and above all - obtained from the National Rally the commitment that he will not censure the future executive, at least not immediately. The RN also says it is waiting for the Prime Minister's general policy speech before Parliament to decide. "Michel Barnier seems to meet the first criterion that we formulated: being able to address the National Rally in a respectful manner," says Marine Le Pen. Who also calls for the establishment of proportional representation in view of the next legislative elections. She also demands that purchasing power, the fight against immigration and insecurity be the government's priorities. So many imperatives also put forward by the right-wing LR, which expects the President to let the executive determine and lead the Nation's policy.
  10. Can you legally drive at If your speed readout is accurate to within 1 kph - yeah why not. If you have more than two active brain cells - probably not. https://www.radars-auto.com/actualite/actu-radars-general/jusqu-a-quelle-vitesse-pouvez-vous-rouler-sans-perdre-de-points-tableau-officiel-1856
  11. Instead of "Ami" they should have called it "Roller" And 14 year olds can legally drive these in France? Can you remember what you were like at 14 years old? You didn't care and drove/rode everything you could get hold of, flat out everywhere when nobody was looking. Just like these youngsters:- https://www.thedrive.com/news/watch-this-tiny-citroen-ami-topple-over-at-monacos-famous-hairpin
  12. The French grid has a surplus of solar generated power, if you look at the UK graphs for imported power from france it starts at about 6 am and carries on through the day until about 7 pm. There are discussions about changing the heures creuse hours here from overnight to middle of the day, whether those hours will be permanent or changeable summer/winter hasn't been mentioned.
  13. The best and most easily understood guide to electricity supply and cost in France is Selectra. And it's in english if you need it. https://en.selectra.info/energy-france/guides/electricity/tariffs#what-is-included-in-the-electricity-bill-in-france
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