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  1. Maybe ending? https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/agriculture-peche/colere-des-agriculteurs-la-fnsea-et-les-jeunes-agriculteurs-appellent-a-suspendre-les-blocages-5435257
  2. Bad news for second home owners: This is a (deepl) translation of the text from the constitutional council about the possibility of a specific visa for second home owners. It’s a NO. Article 16 inserts a new article L. 312-4-1 into the Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile (Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum), which provides that a long-stay visa is issued automatically to British nationals who own a secondary residence in France. 80. The applicant Members maintained that Article 16 had no place in the Act on the grounds that it had been introduced at first reading under a procedure contrary to Article 45 of the Constitution. 81. Introduced at first reading, the purpose of these provisions is to amend the specific conditions of residence in France for certain British nationals. These provisions therefore have no connection, even indirect, with the aforementioned provisions of Articles 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the initial Bill. Nor are they connected, even indirectly, with any of the other provisions which appeared in the draft law submitted to the Senate. 82. Consequently, without the Constitutional Council prejudging the conformity of the content of these provisions with other constitutional requirements, it must be held that, having been adopted in accordance with a procedure contrary to the Constitution, they are therefore contrary to the Constitution.
  3. Why? It is the normal reshuffle around the middle of the President's 5 year term.
  4. This has not yet been passed into law, so that is awful reporting. Also, the higher French authorities may well not allow it to pass.
  5. This is a very large and complex bill. Many, if not all, of the changes will require various décrets, arrêtés, and procedures to be put into place in order to be applied, so it is entirely possible that the full effects of the bill will not be known for quite some time. Plus it also has to go before the Conseil Constitutionnel.
  6. Been with them almost since their launch many years ago. Thier network is Orange, they are basically Orange's cheaper option. You must bear in mind that support through an Orange shop is not available to Sosh customers. That said their level of support is excellent, and using their online chat support is very easy, and if your French is not always the best, you can copy/paste into it or from it into a translator. Basically you get almost all the Orange services for much less.
  7. There has been some discussion in the anglophone community (particularly by British citizens) and there have been some articles in the French press about a number of proposed amendments to the French government's upcoming immigration bill. These amendments, if passed, would have an as-of-yet undetermined effect on the eligibility of second home owners for visas, possibly creating a new visa path for those affected. However, as none of these amendments have become law yet, and there is no guarantee that any of them will, and as there is no indication of how they will apply if they do become law, it is just a matter of playing the waiting game for those who might be affected.
  8. There has been some discussion in the anglophone community (particularly by British citizens) and there have been some articles in the French press about a number of proposed amendments to the French government's upcoming immigration bill. These amendments, if passed, would have an as-of-yet undetermined effect on the eligibility of second home owners for visas, possibly creating a new visa path for those affected. However, as none of these amendments have become law yet, as there is no guarantee that all or any of them will, and as there is no indication of how they will apply if they do become law, it is just a matter of wait and see. Once the decrees have been published then we will know what is available.
  9. On the application you can apply for more than 12 months or less than 12 months. It is really to give the Embassy an idea of what the applicant wants. In the UK if you apply for less than 12 months you usually get a VLS-T visa for 6 months which is not renewable. If you apply for more than 12 months then you get a VLS-TS which is renewable. That is why I advised to apply for the more than 12 months option. However, it is misleading to say more than 12 months on the application, as you are correct, the visa and subsequent CDS renewals are usually for 12 months at a time (although there are exceptions where longer can be granted).
  10. Once you get the initial visa as a visitor, (which is what foreign retirees get), renewals are usually fairly straightforward provided you supply any documents requested. It is fairly unusual for subsequent compliant renewals to not be granted. Don't give up, many Brits have been getting succesful yearly renewals since Brexit.
  11. The renewal after 5 years becomes permanent residence. Of course it is down to the individual to apply (every year for the first 5 for that matter).
  12. Do not apply for a VLS-T as that is not renewable, and will expire on the end date of the visa. You should apply for a VLS-TS Visitor visa. Ensure that you apply for more than 12 months, which you validate on arrival in France, and this then becomes you (virtual) Carte De Sejour. You will then have to apply after the first year for a renewal of your Carte De Sejour, and once granted you will get a physical card. You have to renew annually for the first five years. After five years you renew and will be granted a permanent residence.
  13. Got the flu jab letter from CPAM, went to pharmacy today, got Covid jab in left arm and flu jab in right arm.
  14. Where does it say that please, I can't seem to find it.
  15. Is your car still insured. Normally once you are resident in France your UK insurance stops. Also if you have not imported it within one month of being here then you are breaking the law, and likely to have it confiscated if stopped.
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