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Getting an Electric Wheelchair in France

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I’ve been pondering whether to post this for a few days, but decided in the end that somebody might be interested.

Mrs G has MS and has to use a manual wheelchair when we’re ‘out & about’.  It’s not a big problem, but quite difficult for me, because propelling a wheelchair and a ‘chariot’ around a supermarket is well nigh impossible!

We’d been thinking about an electric wheelchair for a while and floated the idea when Mrs G had her annual prescription renewal with the Neurology Prof a month or two back.  We were accepting that we’d probably have to fund at least E1k of the cost.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, 3 people turned up here (by appointment) last week with a couple of electric wheelchairs to demonstrate.  After a ‘flying lesson’, we settled on one of them and the process now ‘kicks in’.  The lady from the Neurology Prof’s team said that it’s entirely justified and the whole process will take just 4-6 wks until delivery.  Zero cost to us.

The reason for posting this is twofold.  First, to say how pleased we are over the whole business.  Second, to say that if anybody out there feels the need for an electric wheelchair ......... it’s actually quite an easy process.  Well, it was down here, anyway!

Just ask for more info if you need it. 

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I'm sorry to hear about Mrs. G's MS.  However, that is such good news about the electric wheel chair process. Amazing at no cost to you.  I imagine it will make outings much smoother.  I do hope so.

Wishing you both well.


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Thanks for your thoughts about Mrs G’s MS, but she was diagnosed nearly 20 years ago and is pretty accustomed to it !  The Neurology Prof reckons that the condition (for her) is essentially benign, although there are tens of thousands of others for whom this isn’t the case with MS or other health problems.  Accordingly, she feels pretty ‘lucky’.

The biggest problem has been her loss of independence (driving is out of the question) and so the ability to get round a big supermarket, stopping and starting where she chooses to, rather than where I push her, will be a big deal !   

Its strange how such seemingly trivial things can assume major importance ?

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Gardian, I vey much sympathise with both of you.  As you say, she looks as though she's been lucky and is getting some life to live still, but impossible to push trolley and wheelchair .. I've tried pushing a trolley with only one hand after a hand op .. impossible, so the fact that you've managed what you have for so long is amazing!  Such excellent news, because it gives you both independence, as she will be able to do so much more with the electric chair, which is of benefit to both too ...  I've been unable to walk any real distance without a stick for some time now, and yes, such seemingly trivial things (not being able to do the speed or the distance I once did without thinking about it), does becoome imcredibly important once you cannot do it!.  Even slight improvements take on incredible importance too. 

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