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At last a Brexit bonus

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Spent part of yesterday opening a new bank account online. No problem until it came to photographing the id. New passport has something wrong with it. It doesn't work in e-gates and, on this occasion, was rejected as the software insisted it was a photocopy not the original. Thought I was going to have to admit defeat until I noticed that included in the list of acceptable ID's was a French residency card. Fished that out and now everything's good to go. So thank you Brexit, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had to apply for a card that is more use to me than my British passport.🤣

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  • DaveLister changed the title to At last a Brexit bonus
On 12/02/2024 at 12:15, DaveLister said:

Not at all, it was a Wise account. I want to try out their debit card.

Just realised that my title should have read 'At last a Brexit bonus'.

Can't figure out a way to correct it so sorry folks for the typo.

I have one of their cards which lets me have an account in Euros, Sterling or Dollars. It also has the very useful function  that you can create a virtual card, use it for a transaction, then immediately freeze or delete it. It's useful with any site that you are not 100% sure of..

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