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Anyone else dismayed about 6 nations?

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France did not play as I expected and I was left completely flat although Ireland lived up to its reputation.

Here is an article from Clive Woodward, in case someone wishes to comment.  Gardian?  Wooly? Anyone else who is interested but I might not immediately think of you, please do pile in!


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Excellent comments right across the board, Minteroonie.

Two things annoy me particularly about the current game; too much kicking which the Welsh teams of old were also very guilty of. Maybe it should be banned outside the 22.

And that England dont pick the players who are plying their trade abroad.

Yesterday,  a mediocre match, suggesting that the French team have come to rely on a couple of inspirational players and are a bit lost without them.

Ireland seem to have rebuilt fast after the retirement of their key players; wenshall have to see how they progress.

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I don't think any spectator likes too much kicking.

Don't know what's happened to all that excellent passing the French were doing at the world cup.  That's it, no numbers 10 and 11 and their game is just not the same.  As for Willemze getting 2 yellow cards to make a red.....?!  What on earth was he thinking?

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Strangely enough, I enjoyed Italy vs England the most of this weekend’s 3 matches.

Fr vs Ire was predictably (for me, at least) one-way traffic.  France are suffering from injuries and Dupont’s absence.

Wales vs Scotland was just bonkers - talk about a game of two halves!  

England were OK, but not much better than that.  They’ll struggle against Ireland, and probably France & Scotland.


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Didn't see that game, Gardian, so can't comment though I know Italy's been improving.

Didn't see the first half of the Wales vs Scotland, just thought Wales would be 'ammered, as the older Welsh people liked to say.  But I thought the second half was worth watching....if only they hadn't missed their first conversion!!

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On 03/02/2024 at 23:27, Gardian said:

Strangely enough, I enjoyed Italy vs England theby  most of this weekend’s 3 matches.

Fr vs Ire was predictably (for me, at least) one-way traffic.  France are suffering from injuries and Dupont’s absence.

Wales vs Scotland was just bonkers - talk about a game of two halves!  

England were OK, but not much better t, han that.  They’ll struggle against Ireland, and probably France & Scotland.


You could almost say that they had lost because if the Italian kicker had succeeded with the penalty which just swerved wide of the post at the end of the trajectory Italy would have won

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 Now to the 2nd weekend - often the best.

Sc vs Fr - possibly the best fixture in the Tournament.  This could go either way (statement of the bloomin’ obvious), but I just rather fancy France in this.  They’ll be desperate to claw their way off the bottom of the Table. There won’t be much in it though.

Eng vs Wa - we’ll win, but I don’t say that with any high degree of confidence!  Both sides are ‘re-building’..

Ire vs It - this could well be a wipeout.  Italy usually have their best game in their first match and then deteriorate.  Sad, but true.  Injuries are usually a factor - not much backup.

Just what I think, fwiw

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Gardian, I will bear your forecasts in mind when I watch!😜

I was utterly shocked by France's performance last week.  I knew du Pont and Ntamack would be missing but I couldn't believe how below par (I thought) the whole team was.  In the old days, they used to say the result would depend on which French team turned up.  The French could play with their much admired French flair or be all over the place.  I just hope those days are well past and they play with consistency at the very least.

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Pretty forgettable?  VERY kind assessment, Gardian.  They really were nothing to write home about, were they?

I suppose England just about deserved their win as the Wales team are mostly young and inexperienced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weekend then.

Ireland are ‘head & shoulders’ above every other team.  Nothing more to be said.  Wales did well to hold them to what they did.

England were awful.  The Scots were really good.  That much was obvious to anybody.  How much longer can English rugby hold out on this nonsense of not considering a player ‘plying his trade’ abroad?  

Fr vs It - best and most exciting match of the weekend.  Probably a fair result in the end ............. but it would have been really good if Italy had turned them over.  Italy don’t deserve to be bottom of the table.

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Gardian, I enjoyed your photo!

As for Fr vs It, I agree, it was a shame the way the match ended.  How could the ball fall off the tee?  Couldn't have been placed on it properly to begin with.  A real pity because Italy has been steadily improving and I like Garbisi (have I spelt his name correctly?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weekend then.

It vs Sc  Most of us would love to see Italy win this one, but frankly the Scots look too strong.  But then so did France 2 wks ago.  Scotland win and the concern that they’ll then view themselves as potential 6N winners.

Eng vs Ire  IMO, if it was a boxing match, you'd throw in the towel now!  England have no chance, but you just never know, do you?  Ireland win by 12pts.

Wa vs Fr  Normally, you’d say France, but with home advantage for Wales, ????????   I’d settle on France, but it’s the most unpredictable result of the three.

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Not yet seen anything that's got me excited and jumping up and down.

I agree with your predictions. 

But there IS something about this year's 6 nations...not up to expections;

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I take back EVERYTHING I have said.  What a wonderful afternoon of rugby we have had!  Two matches providing superb excitement and huge entertainment.

Bravo, tous les gars!

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Hubby came into the kitchen after the Eng / Ire match and said, I've just been put through the wringer!  I suspect the same for the earlier match.  I don't watch it - love the game, but can't stand the tension!  I always say, it isn't over til the final whistle!  Please to see Italy moving upwards, since they joined the group, they have steadily, if slowly improved I think.

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Difficult watch yesterday's match as both Wales and France are my adopted countries.  Would still have liked more competition in the second half.

Wales was 22-20 ahead at half time so the final score line was shameful for Wales.

However, they did have the best national anthems, no?😆  I mean both teams....

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France made hard work of it for 60 mins, but were rather comfortable winners in the end.  The scoreline rather flattered them I’d say.

Italy could easily chalk up another win next Saturday vs Wales !

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