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I agree with Mysty and the farmers

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3 hours ago, Lehaut said:

Nor cherry tomatoes at ours.

Ours is not a Super U, but a U Express.  I can't bring myself to say the full name in French, so it's just our U

Edited by betise
Slippy fingers
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Well, judging by the reports the farmers plus a few rentamobbers are having a right old time in Brussels today; as they sit in their overpaid luxury perhaps members of the European Parliament and EU bloated bureaucrats will be reminded that their jobs depend on the little people of Europe and not the bloated industrialists that they so often lunch with. And never never let the EU Commission be led by such an incompetent person with a dreadful record who has no idea of the people.

But they will remember when the extreme Right takes their seats in the EU Parliament and breaks up the bureaucratic stranglehold they have held for so long. 

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55 minutes ago, NormanH said:

I am not sure that either bananas of cherry tomatoes at this time of the year count as local produce.....

I am not sure bananas are grown locally anywhere in France at anytime of the year 😂

Those little tomatoes are….I think.




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19 minutes ago, betise said:

Who heard Attal's speech this lunchtime?  Do you think that the measures he announced will be enough to appease the farmers?

Ummm …I personally don’t think so.

This is now more a revolution against the EU.

Talking of which, did anyone see Macron dressed as a turkey yesterday in Sweden.


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of the free deliveryoffer free delivery

22 hours ago, DaveLister said:

Rows of empty shelves in the supermarket at lunchtime and no parcel delivery. Seems the blockades in Nîmes and Montpelier are having an effect.

I had two separate deliveries from Amazon today(don't ask me why they separated them) I have a delivery of household products from Carrefour for tomorrow, and the site didn't show any shortage of what I wanted.

As an aside I don't know if every body knows that Carrefour will  let you order online and offer free delivery  to people over 65 years old

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Yesterday they announced €80,000,000(?)in aid for the vignerons who cant make ends meet and a similar sum to grub out 12.5% of all vines, especially reds(?).

Interesting too that 60% of farms are still family run, many with fewer than 25 cows; how can that ever be rentable.

Farmers need help but they also need to reckon with the realities; in the Vendée the farms were getting much bigger and the youngsters did not want to take over the small holdings as they saw it as as a kind of slavery.  Here, where they do take over the farms are much bigger and largely arable with a few pigs.



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2 hours ago, NormanH said:

As an aside I don't know if every body knows that Carrefour will  let you order online and offer free delivery  to people over 65 years old

Also the disabled, pregnant women, and orders over 150 euros.

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59 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

I don’t read the #####$$$&& Telegraph. Nor want to pay for it.

I have BFM on at the moment and flip between other French media oulets.

Just saying.

We live in France. Try French news.

I do but knowing the level of your French I posted a link  that even you might be able to understand a glimmering of ....and it was free...

Edited by NormanH
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23 hours ago, NormanH said:

I do but knowing the level of your French I posted a link  that even you might be able to understand a glimmering of ....and it was free...

Yes…but it was that Brexit supporting UK paper that has put a nail in the coffin of my and other people lives. French too.

Would not eat fish & ships out of that paper.

Cretins va !


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2 hours ago, betise said:

We were on the autoroute today, there are still closures, but mostly where they are clearing up the mess left behind by the farmers. 

Don't know where exactly you were, betise, but the maire of Agen was on the news, complaining about the mess and destruction.

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