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CA Charging for Statements Now?


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Has anybody else noticed a new charge on their CA statement reading: prlv Frais Releve De Compte...83 cents.

I can only assume this to mean they are going to charge 83 cents for each paper statement they send me in the future. As I receive a statement every fortnight, which I never asked for, but I guess I must have signed up for it when we opened our account, it will mean an extra €19.92 a year to add to their already expensive banking charges. Not a happy bunny. The first charge on my statement started from 10th September.

Does anybody know If it is possible to tell CA I do not want paper statements, or is it the case in true French tradition we have no choice but to accept the will of the mighty CA?

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Many thanks for your replies.

Having looked on the CA website, if I have it correct if you go into the page that reads: Consultation documents électroniques, and then click on the button that reads: Gestion e-Relevés, this brings up the option to receive statements electronically replacing paper statements, thus stopping the 83 cents charge. Is there anybody out there who can confirm I have understood this correctly, before I go in all guns blazing and change the way I receive my statements.

I am seeking advice on this after a while back somehow managing to sign myself up for Orange anti-virus software that I did not want, simply by opening an e-mail I received from them. So now I am rather cautious before I zap anything in French I do not understand!
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Just checked my accounts at CA and Credit Mutual and there is no charge for statements on either. Isn't it odd that some people are charged and others not? I did notice on my CA statement a charge of 9€ for "prlv Une comm. d'intrervention". Anyone any idea what that is, never had one of those before!

Edit - just found it HERE, Commission for the Bank's intervention in paying an item when your

account is overdrawn, - which never happened - looks like a visit to the branch tomorrow!!

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     I noticed this charge on my online statement today , and sent an email querying it . I have now received a reply saying it was levied in error and will be reimbursed.   83 cents may not seem worth arguing about, but if they blag it off of all their clients they will make a mint .

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The most useful free service I have found on CA online is the Alerte function.

I have set it to let me know when specific events occur (Mr Clair's salary arriving in his account, set up by using his employer's name as a reference; refund of a security deposit for the gite, set up by using the chq value as a reference.)

I also use this to let me know when withdrawals over a specified amount take place and when my balance hits a specified low (not reached yet!).

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I had a 'message' when I logged to my CA account recently, informing me that I would in future be receiving statements by email, with a link to click if I wanted to change this. I didn't click the link as e-statements suit me just fine. This was CA-Normandie. So just make sure you don't have any messages - easy to overlook.
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