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wind damage

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Guepe, I am sorry no one has come back to you, I do hope you have heard something. We are in the SE Dordogne so quite a way from you. But I can tell you that there was no damage here and I haven't heard about any damage anywhere within the dept. I have only picked up the Sud Quest a few times this week but there was no mention.

Hopefully someone nearer to your area will respond.

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thanks wjt et meg and mog for your trouble .i was just being neurotic again .the weather forcasts are pretty wild are,nt they for france.my worry was the result of spending the last week in the uk retreiving my shed and my moterbike from next doors garden .at the moment we are in rented acc on an old second world war airfeild on the north cornish coast .WINDSWEPT OR WHAT! cordialement
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Guepe, I do know how you feel. When you are such a long distance away you worry about your house with natural and unfortunately unnatural disasters. Every time we return I am so relieved to find it still standing. [:)]

Happy to hear you had nothing to worry about in France but take care on the old airfield.[:)]

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  • 1 month later...
I know the area well. Apart from becoming an area for the more well orf, traffic in Cornwall has increased a lot. There is none of that "traffic is much lighter now the holiday season is over," indeed traffic is busy throughout the year. Green fields are turned into housing which leads to more people, empty villages awaiting the return of the second homers, more cars but no new jobs. Rant over, now back to looking at French property.
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hi the subject is well away from "wind damage"yes the sprints are still going on .there is mike tregoning still trying to shave a milli second off last years attempt .i can see all this from my garden .back to the wind.the wind turbines at beardown just up the road have all been rendered useless because they will only work with certain windspeeds too windyabove 45mph and they shutdown?HELLO WIND TURBINES?

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