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Where are the thunderstorms ?

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In our little bit of N Lot the storms normally start in mid April. Yet this year, despite stonkingly high temps for almost all of April we haven't yet had one. On Tuesday evening the side to side lightning and loads of thunder was all around us but though we had some big, fat heavy raindrops they mostly avoided us. Have we somehow upset Thor or have the rest of you stolen our storms? We should be told.


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[quote user="Iceni"] ... have the rest of you stolen our storms? We should be told.


Well if you want the truth ... we 'borrowed' a very small storm on Tuesday evening - just to see what it was like. You can have it back now if you want.


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We stole them down here in the Lot et Garonne! On Tuesday evening we had a whopper of a storm, rain lashing down - quite spectacular even though the rain decided to find every hole in our roof and drip-drip-drip throughout the night! Yesterday - Wednesday, we awoke to a lovely, refreshed day with that ozone smell that you get after a good storm clears away the pollen and dust. Aha, I thought, a good day to hang out of the washing! No sooner was my back turned then another storm whipped up, within minutes, and the rain came down like stair-rods! Then it went and all was calm ....

... the rain was so fierce that my carefully-pegged washing was torn from the line and scattered over the grass.

Anyway, Iceni, that's where your storms went!

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John, we had a thunderstorm a couple of nights ago. I went to bed after unplugging the computers and the TV equipment.

We also had distant rumblings of thunder during most of yesterday afternoon.

I know we're not far from each other geographically, but maybe the valley of St Céré is enough of a barrier...?

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  • 2 weeks later...
At last, we had a thunderstorm last evening between 21.00 ish and 22.00 ish. Though I was surprised that there was any rain left after the torrential downpours of Tues/Wed. Perhaps the strong winds of Wed a.m. blew some in from 47 etc.

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We met a lot of storms on Sunday around the Pezenas area, with trmendous lightning.

We had high winds in our part of the Gard yesterday, and in the Nice area they had to close the beaches, the sea had enormous waves, with foam carried far on the wind. Danger from flying planters as well! It's all calm this morning around us and the sun is shining in a mostly blue sky. I think our visitors were beginning to doubt our tales of blue skies and sunshine. It's been dull since they arrived on Wednesday - it's their first visit to France outside a stay in Paris, and he (my brother) didn't really want to come anyway! He's also a very fussy eater (faddy plus health problems) - no salads, no meat, no eggs, doesn't like vegetables or fruit much at all. Thank goodness for sunshine say I; at least everywhere looks better! I think the area suits lovely sunshine or tremendous thunderstorms, not this wishy washy cloudiness we've had for a couple of days.

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We've had massive thunderstorms here. Four inches of rain on Tuesday and Wednesday and yesterday, around 6.30 in the evening, hailstones. Perhaps those were yours John ? The river is very high and brightly coloured with all the silt.

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