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River Adour - Gers

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We have had our place in the Gers for over 4 years, and I am convinced that there are some fantastic river walks along the banks of the Adour - but we can't find them. Has anyone any experience of walking along the Adour and where to start?

Many thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
The only bits of the Adour we have walked along are the section just to the south of the junction of the D946 road from Plaisance and the D935 (Riscle to Maubourguet) which is very attractive with quite a lot of bird life.  Also the south bank of the Adour, walking westwards, just on the outskirts of Riscle.  This featured in one of a series of walks leaflets we picked up in the Riscle tourist office, though it was the only one to take in the river bank.  It is worth going to the tourist offices in several of the towns along the Adour as much of the material they have on offer tends to be very local and covers walks in the immediate vicinity of that town.  I keep looking out for a walking book which covers the riverside on a bigger scale but so far no luck!


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