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Revenue sur impot ££/Euro


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So this morning in my email I received from the DGFP the "Ouverture du de declaration de revenus en ligne" and this year I am determined - DETERMINED ! not to be thrashing around on the computer on the eve of the final day trying to complete and submit the 2015 return.

So the first question - as ever - is: does anyone yet know what the official £-Euro exchange rate is for last year please?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Our local tax office put up a notice each year so I checked it last week.  They are saying 1.322...

We tend to work out what rate we have had on average during the year on our OAPs which come into our French bank account and use that rate for other income if it is better than the rate they flag up and use their rate on other income if ours is worse!

Have not done the arithmetic yet as we file online so have till 7th June.

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For most, the number will be quite different because of the way & time at which they take their €'s.

For us, it is the rate which I contracted at for my monthly transfer ( we use money broker) .

So, for 10 mths in 2015, it was 1.245 and for 2 months it was 1.3475 (our contract is November renewable). Hence, the number I will use for 2015 income will be 1.26. It's what I actually received and demonstrable to the Impots.

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Well yes, most of us can go this way for at least some of the money. My private pension is paid directly into CAAC, so for that it's simply a case of finding 12 pages of bank statements! - even the tax man wouldn't argue that that's the real amount of income but for other stuff (a few share dividends) I prefer to have a figure I can justify. Once upon a time there would have been bank interest of a few pounds, but nowadays it wouldn't get you into a loo, let let alone buy a baguette!

Actually, looking at the variation in Euros remitted, from a monthly fixed sum on sterling is a sobering experience. The rate has headed south ever since Brexit reared its head. I blame Cameron and his inability to keep a lid on the Far right, isolationist, little Englander wing of the Conservative party, and stop them from upsetting the markets !

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There are some on here (and dear Cooperlola was one of them) who say get the right rate for the day when the income hits your bank in the UK.

And I have been doing that ever since and never worry about anyone challenging my figures.

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