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Missing child portugal

Boiling a frog

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It is a brilliant idea Frog but in Portugal, the police have not issued photos of little Madeleine.  It is therefore up to people like you to do this.  But what about the villages where there with no Brits and Sky News?  Likewise other villiages throughout Europe.
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Well if we all print posters off there will be,  I have passed on to several friends in this region.

Incidentally, it is three years ago since a little boy was taken from his bed at a centre des vacances in this area during the night.

Lollie  Dept 44

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Given that the parents went out for a evening meal leaving their daughter (grossly irrisponcible) in a locked room (what about fire) and were going to 'pop back every 30 minutes' (yeah) I think if I knew where the child was and I knew she was safe I wouldn't tell the parents. Parents that behave this way with young children are a disgrace and quite honestly should not be allowed to have children. I shall put a poster up as we are 'down south' for the girls sake and not for the parents.
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[quote user="Quillan"] and not for the parents.[/quote]

I suspect that they might just about have learned their lesson, don't you?    If you had to pay a price like that for every mistake you'd made in your life you might not be so self-satisfied.

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I see Quillan's point of view on this but don't agree with the way he put it - but it's reportedly what some people are saying in the UK and Portugal (according to the tele) though not quite as brutally.

It was a dreadful mistake and increasingly likely to be one which is likely to haunt the parents for the rest of their lives - anybody remember the boy that just disappeared from his bed, think it was in Crete and was never seen again?

Sad all round for everybody concerned and Quillan, pleased it wasn't a member of your family concerned in this..

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Well I'm sorry but I can't help how I feel.

You can't make 'mistakes' with children they are far to precious. You can make mistakes that effect your own life (and we have all made a few in our time) but not with those who have no choice and are reliant on you, it is a human life we are talking about after all. I cannot believe that these people went to dinner in a strange country leaving their child locked in their apartment/bedroom like that.

Of course I am worried for the child and I really hope she is found safe and well.

The parents are a totally different matter. I would never, in my wildest dreams, leave a child of that age without a parent or baby sitter being present. I doubt very much if any of the forum members and ladies in particular would ever do the same. I am afraid the parents action borders on gross incompetence on scale that is unimaginable. I just don't understand what was running through their minds.

So if I have offended anyone I am sorry but as I said I can't help how I feel on this.

Tony - I just would never have done it in the first place so no it would not have happened to my daughter. Mind you at 30 years of age I wish somebody would take her of my hands. Know any eligible bachelors? [;-)]

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[quote user="Quillan"]Given that the parents went out for a evening meal leaving their daughter (grossly irrisponcible) in a locked room (what about fire) and were going to 'pop back every 30 minutes' (yeah) I think if I knew where the child was and I knew she was safe I wouldn't tell the parents. Parents that behave this way with young children are a disgrace and quite honestly should not be allowed to have children. I shall put a poster up as we are 'down south' for the girls sake and not for the parents.[/quote]

What a very cruel and unpleasant posting.


As a moderator on this forum you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

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[quote user="Weedon"]

[quote user="Quillan"]Given that the parents went out for a evening meal leaving their daughter (grossly irrisponcible) in a locked room (what about fire) and were going to 'pop back every 30 minutes' (yeah) I think if I knew where the child was and I knew she was safe I wouldn't tell the parents. Parents that behave this way with young children are a disgrace and quite honestly should not be allowed to have children. I shall put a poster up as we are 'down south' for the girls sake and not for the parents.[/quote]

What a very cruel and unpleasant posting.


As a moderator on this forum you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.


So you have absolutly no problem with what they have done then and you would do it yourself?

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[quote user="Weedon"]


As a moderator on this forum you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.


As a Moderator, Quillan is not here to moderate opinions and is as much entitled to express his own opinion as any other poster on here.

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[quote user="Quillan"]I think if I knew where the child was and I knew she was safe I wouldn't tell the parents. .[/quote]

That's the most horrible thing you've ever said on the forum Quillan and I don't care if you're a Mod or a normal poster.  A statement like that could get you in trouble with the authorities so watch what you say.

Ever since I joined the forum last year I find your comments regarding children a bit strange.  Do you have children of your own?  If so, do you feel you have always done right by them and in your view do you think your kids think you're the perfect dad?

Just airing my thoughts.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="Weedon"]

[quote user="Quillan"]Given that the parents went out for a evening meal leaving their daughter (grossly irrisponcible) in a locked room (what about fire) and were going to 'pop back every 30 minutes' (yeah) I think if I knew where the child was and I knew she was safe I wouldn't tell the parents. Parents that behave this way with young children are a disgrace and quite honestly should not be allowed to have children. I shall put a poster up as we are 'down south' for the girls sake and not for the parents.[/quote]

What a very cruel and unpleasant posting.


As a moderator on this forum you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.


So you have absolutly no problem with what they have done then and you would do it yourself?



As I don't know all of the facts, maybe you know more than is reported, I don't feel qualified to comment on their actions.

I would do what, myself?

Luckily, presumably you were able to watch your child/children for every minute of their lives.  I wish I was able to say that I never made a mistake in all of my childrens young lives.  Perhaps they were lucky enough never to come into contact with the sort of sick indivudual who could climb into a childs bedroom to abduct them.

I find nothing in your chilling comments that suggest you have any compassion and feel your condemnation to be aimed at the wrong person/persons.

As for Benjamin's comment about a moderator, I would simply say that I directed my point to Quillan.

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If the McCanns were not both Doctors and the place was not the rather upmarket Luz resort would our feelings toward the parents be different? There is certainly quite a lot of criticism of them and the Portuguese police flying about in the UK.

Better to concentrate on everyone doing all they can to locate the child - no doubt there will be plenty of time for recriminations.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Well I'm sorry but I can't help how I feel.


So if I have offended anyone I am sorry but as I said I can't help how I feel on this.



Feeling something inside and saying it out loud , or writing it on an open forum are very different things.

If I said what I was feeling, I would probably get banned[:@]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]If the McCanns were not both Doctors and the place was not the rather upmarket Luz resort would our feelings toward the parents be different? There is certainly quite a lot of criticism of them and the Portuguese police flying about in the UK.[/quote]

The thought has crossed my mind too...

I can't help feeling that were they low earners living in a council home and holidaying in a mobile home holiday camp, some sections of the press would be reacting quite differently and probably calling for the social services to take action.

I feel for the poor child and for her family who will never be allowed to forget their mistake.

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As I understand it these people went out for a meal and left their daughter locked in their appartment/room. Firstly I would never do that to a child so young. If I could not find a person I could trust or a proper baby sitter I would either take her with me or not go, quite simple really. I would not leave a child of this age on her own (I believe in some countries leaving a child inder 14 on their own is actually illegal). Perhaps others feel that is acceptable but I don't. If indeed a person did climb through a window (there is no current confirmation that this is true or false) it would be highly unlikely that it would have happened if one of the parents or a baby sitter were present. Perhaps values have changed over the years and this sort of behavior is now quite acceptable.

Twinkle - My daughters problem is trying to find a partner who doesn't want her just for her money.

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Every year in our hamlet there is a meal and a band and it goes on'til 2am.  My daughter comes with us until about 11pm - midnight and then I put her to bed, lock up the house and the main gates and take a baby alarm walkie talkie thing with me which emits a loud crackling sound if there is any noise in her bedroom.  Our house is about 40 metres from the square where this takes place and we can actually see our house from there.  We check on her and the house every 20 mins or so until we leave to come home.

Anybody else done this?  I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

I'm not a doctor and I don't live in a council house. I'm a normal responsible human being who worrys about her daughters well being but trys not to imagine there are housebreaking peodophiles at  every corner of the street or I'll go mad and never step foot outside the house or let my child out of my sight 'til she's 30.

The only thing that puzzles me about this awful story is that they didn't have the baby alarms with them - surely they would emit a signal at 50 yards? 

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