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Factual or harsh?

just john

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[quote user="powerdesal"]If the Mods wish to censure me then so be it, it will be a first in my posting history. I can live with that.

edit:  The way this forum is becoming overly PC, if the mods wish to ban me I can live with that also.


Here Here Steve

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[quote user="odile"]Good idea baypond, have a lovely week-end.


Dear Odile, we havn't been introduced, was that a genuine 'have a well earned rest' type comment, or were you suggesting that I clear off from the forum for the weekend ?

kind regards

Giles (to my friends)
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I am with you Odile, I hate any judgements made considering a person's handicap or particularity, how many jokes have certainly hurt people... ? Small, red haired, , in a  wheelwhair,big , one eyed, one legged  etc

ANy criticism is OK if it deals with a person's actions, politics, behaviour etc, not with a person's physical aspect .

Odile, ce soir à la TV française ils se moquaient des gens qui bégaient, ça m'a enervée !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Sorry if it offends your personal beliefs or political persuasion Ron but I'll continue to call Moron Moron or whatever else I feel appropriate. If the mods object then that's something else.
[quote user="Ron Avery"]I noticed that you have made no comment on the UK Government under Gordon Brown bailing out the people who chose badly when opting for Equitable Life and other schemes.   Bet those people don't call him childish names.[:@] [/quote]What planet are you living on, by what process of perverted thinking do you describe what's come out of the Equitable affair as a credit to this government. I'll match your bet that not many are toasting Moron nor any of his shabby, tawdry, sleaze ridden cronies. [:-))]


I particularly like the final question:

"Q: What happens next?

A: Sir John Chadwick will have to set up an office and find the staff to sift through all the records of Equitable members going back more than a decade. He will then decide who should be compensated. But this process could still take many months and years"

So yet another battalion of civil servant to be recruited, on gold plated guaranteed pensions of course, in order to do bugge_r all until all the claimants are dead and gone and the problem with them, unbelievable [:'(]



Then there will be a parliamentary inquiry, then a high court appeal, then the Lords, meanwhile the tax payer is millions upon millions down and the lawyers buy up the countryside.

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[quote user="just john "]I agree entirely, except that I did not know Gorgon had only one eye, and initially took it to mean his lack of honesty and forsightedness in matters fiscal was curtailed for other reasons, especially since that is the thrust of the comparison with Australian premiers handling of the announcements, unfortunate if this faux pas becomes the focus and detracts from the validity of the other comparisons.[/quote]

How frustrating that the main thrust, ie. the honesty of the Australian primeminister compared to our own, is lost under the concern of a secondary insult; No matter how outrageous JC's comments, the giant plank in the eye is about honesty and competance, I'm frustrated that people are not more concerned about what this Government has done to the economy (especially pensions in our case Erniey) and not the fact that the bomb aimer has less than two eyes, which has less concern to me than the bomb that he has launched in my direction.[:(]

How strange that you can call two eyed people and schemes one-eyed, but not people who only have one eye.

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Odile - lots of nit-picking, moans and gripes from you this week  - on this topic and elsewhere-

And yet you ignore my post :

"What would have happened to his lovely  'hamster' " quote Odile

Do you mean Richard Hammond ?   They call him 'Hamster' since he is small/vertically challenged - this is NOT PC and is quite unkind to him- shame on you !

Clearly you  are PC when it suits you!    Or is it OK to mock short people  ?

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If the Mods wish to censure me then so be it, it will be a first in my posting history. I can live with that.

edit:  The way this forum is becoming overly PC, if the mods wish to ban me I can live with that also.

Fujeirah Emirate, U.A.E + 50 (in France)


You would be missed massively  by most of us - even the Mods I am sure  would agree and not open 'the door' for you!




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Mods Hat ON

Reading through there seems to be a few people goading each other can we stop this please, no names but you (and we) know who you are.

Also Ernie, I think you have made your feelings about GB quite clear. I am no great fan of the man myself and may make the odd comment but using the same phrase time after time is getting to be a bore. As an intelligent sort of chap I am sure you can get your point across without dropping down to junior school name calling.

I am afraid if either of the above does not stop the moderators may have to consider either locking  or pulling the thread which would be a shame.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation


Mod Hat OFF

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Thank you Quillan

the code of conduct is crystal clear on this issue

Are insulting, abusive,

racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are

individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes

material sent via personal e-mails through this forum

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Mods Hat ON

..............Also Ron, I think you have made your feelings about GB quite clear. I am no great fan of the man myself and may make the odd comment but using the same phrase time after time is getting to be a bore. As an intelligent sort of chap I am sure you can get your point across without dropping down to junior school name calling.


Mod Hat OFF


I think you should explain that comment in my  italics Mr Q as I have no idea what you are talking about. Dod you mean him on the oil rig by any chance?????? 

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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]So what about the rules about being insulting and abusive then?  Not the list, the name :)[/quote]A quick Google search will reveal dozens of references linking Gordon to Moron and indeed both Amazon and Waterstones are selling a book of that very title so it would, IMO, be superior and pompous for this, or any forum, to set itself above what is readily accepted in the public domain.

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Tegwini,   Richard Hammond quite happily refers to himself as a the hamster, the whole team do, and he has no objection. If it did he is in a position to stop it. The word hamster has never been used in a derogatory manner by anybody, anywhere.

 Unlike other words recently debated in the Press.

A lisp is a disability, and so is severe sight impairment in the case of g. Brown

the word kaffir is used very differently in parts of the world- but you know how it is used in SA. My mother-in-law turned green/yellow whenever she said it.

Criticise people for their behaviour, actions, attitude BUT it is not appropriate to mention their disability.

Would you say that someone's shaking is annoying if they have Parkinsons? Or that a Downsyndrome's has an 'annoying' expression? I am sure not.

Thank you for listening.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"][quote user="Quillan"]

Mods Hat ON

..............Also Ron, I think you have made your feelings about GB quite clear. I am no great fan of the man myself and may make the odd comment but using the same phrase time after time is getting to be a bore. As an intelligent sort of chap I am sure you can get your point across without dropping down to junior school name calling.


Mod Hat OFF


I think you should explain that comment in my  italicsMr Q as I have no idea what you are talking about. Dod you mean him on the oil rig by any chance?????? 


Sorry Ron I appologize, yes I meant Ernie. I have changed the post accordingly, once again sorry.

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