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Question Time 22/10/09


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Dog - A serious question.

You appear to have little or no positive things to say and in particular about the current political scene. I was wondering, seriously, what your solution would be and who you would like to see as MP's and which political party would you prefer to have in power (if any)? Also, what do you think can be done to sort out the current problems facing the UK?

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I have been trying to remember the name of a TV program I once watched but I can't, I think it was called something like 'How English are You'. Anyway the general gist was they selected a group of people and asked them how English they were. There were two people that I remember, a mature lady and Ian Wright the footballer. Whilst the first, who held opinions only very slightly to the left of 'him' and was ranting about the population being diluted by immigrants etc whilst Ian Wright was sure he came from Africa somewhere in his dim distant past. The then took DNA samples from which they could work out the region of the world their family line originated from. It turned out that the 'white' English aristocratic ladies DNA originated from Romany Gypsies in norther Russia and that Ian Wright had far, far more  English DNA in him that she did. Of course she claimed it was a setup, a fiddle etc, etc.

The point I am coming to is wouldn't it be interesting if they did the same for 'him' and wouldn't it be a real scream if it turned out he came from some obscure coloured Jewish or Muslim part of the world or someplace similar.


It COULD be suggested that anyone who is truly English will know that they are, and other English people will also know this. ( like Masons know when they meet a fellow Mason, it would not take long to realize)

People who keep calling into question what makes someone English  it could, be also  suggested are not English and know they are not, but would soooo love to be, but NEVER can. [;-)]
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[quote user="Quillan"]

Dog - A serious question.

You appear to have little or no positive things to say and in particular about the current political scene. I was wondering, seriously, what your solution would be and who you would like to see as MP's and which political party would you prefer to have in power (if any)? Also, what do you think can be done to sort out the current problems facing the UK?


Why would anyone want to do this?  So you can take the *iss out of the answers and spend the next week putting your point of view???? [Www]

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[quote user="ebaynut"][quote user="Quillan"]

Dog - A serious question.

You appear to have little or no positive things to say and in particular about the current political scene. I was wondering, seriously, what your solution would be and who you would like to see as MP's and which political party would you prefer to have in power (if any)? Also, what do you think can be done to sort out the current problems facing the UK?


Why would anyone want to do this?  So you can take the *iss out of the answers and spend the next week putting your point of view???? [Www]


Actually, NO believe it or not, it was a serious question. Having been very negative about politicians, politics etc in general I thought it might be nice to hear Dog's side/ideas. In fact I think everyone has stated their point of view and suggestions I just wondered if Dog might like to give us an insight in to his suggestions for sorting it out. We might be in for a surprise and find ourselves agreeing with him but not knowing they are we will never know.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="ebaynut"][quote user="Quillan"]

Dog - A serious question.

You appear to have little or no positive things to say and in particular about the current political scene. I was wondering, seriously, what your solution would be and who you would like to see as MP's and which political party would you prefer to have in power (if any)? Also, what do you think can be done to sort out the current problems facing the UK?


Why would anyone want to do this?  So you can take the *iss out of the answers and spend the next week putting your point of view???? [Www]


Actually, NO believe it or not, it was a serious question. Having been very negative about politicians, politics etc in general I thought it might be nice to hear Dog's side/ideas. In fact I think everyone has stated their point of view and suggestions I just wondered if Dog might like to give us an insight in to his suggestions for sorting it out. We might be in for a surprise and find ourselves agreeing with him but not knowing they are we will never know.


Do you know of ANYONE who has anything positive to say about the UK's current MP's and the banks???? ( except themselves)

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[quote user="nomoss"]Well, now it appears the BNP is having a surge in recruitment.

Not undue to his managing to appear as the underdog on Question Time. A role helped by being shouted down continually by the audience and other members of the panel, even by the chairman (not a patch on his father), who was much less than impartial.[/quote]

Thats the way it works with people in the UK We all know if a lame howling Jack Russel was up against Pavarotti on X factor the dog would get more votes .
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[quote user="Quillan"]

Dog - A serious question.

You appear to have little or no positive things to say and in particular about the current political scene. I was wondering, seriously, what your solution would be and who you would like to see as MP's and which political party would you prefer to have in power (if any)? Also, what do you think can be done to sort out the current problems facing the UK?


My apologies if you think I am too negative. I think the English do not know how to complain so I like to egg them on.

I have always destroyed my vote as a protest at a two party system with the choice of bad or worse and to check the validity of the system - I know that if there is not at least one spoiled vote it is fixed.

UK needs a proper democracy so starting with a republic would be the first step.

http://www.juryteam.org/about.php These people have some ideals and proposals worth looking at and stealing.

I would advocate a 5, 10 and 20 year strategy for the UK and work towards self sufficiency in food and power.

The economy would not be based on futile growth by increasing population.

Non domiciled tax avoiders will be shown their private jets.

VAT will be payable in full on all large items rather than transferable to lowest offer in EEC.

Full duty on fuel for aircraft and boats.

Increase tax by 25% on gambling.

Tax so called trading on commodity markets.

Simplify the personal tax system.

Lower tax on alchohol.

Heavily tax meat.

End tax exemption on works of art.

Nationalise the assets of the National Trust and slowly sell them on.

Cut civil servants by 50% within 5 years and not by paying them off.

To cure the immediate problem all Governement employees earning or receiving a pension above £20,000 will have a pay cut of 25%.

Get rid of social services and increase benefits with the savings - no more poor at a stroke.

Privatise education.

Send the Elgin Marbles back.

Just a few things here and err the thorny one for you - all public employees, MP's, the judiciary, police etc to reveal membership of the Freemasons.

... nearly forgot - end charitable status rate rebates for 90% by sq. metre of Masonic Lodges.

Could have been more succinct but now on my third pint of Goudale after 3 weeks on the waggon.

Now instead of  being sarcastic/negative/outraged please answer your own question.... if only ... smiley smiley.




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I actually agree with most of what you have said. There are a couple of things that I either disagree with or are wrong.

The tax exemption on diesel for boats in the UK was removed last year (it might have been the year before but its definitely removed). However if you live on a boat as a resident you get a proportion of the fuel at a reduced rate for domestic use, heating, cooking etc but not for propulsion. Eventually boats will have two fuel tanks, one for propulsion, the other for domestic use. This now brings it n line with all other EU countries. There has not been tax exemption on petrol for boats for many, many years. In fact I don't think there ever was, well not since I have been involved in 'boating' and that's a very long time.

I don't agree with taxing meat more than any other food. I would like to see some form of restriction placed on the buying power/pricing of food purchased by supermarkets. I don't agree with them being able to control the food chain. I would bring back the Milk Marketing Board or something similar so the price is fixed for all. That links to your proposal about being self sufficient in that many people don't farm anymore as there is no money in it because the supermarket chains have squeezed and squeezed every ounce of profit they can out of farming. I don't mean that all farmers want to be millionaires, they just want to have a reasonable standard of living.

Making those in power state if they are a mason or not is OK although it has already been done but on a voluntary basis (i.e. no penalty if you don't say). In my opinion is would help prove to some that it is a benign group that does not have the power that many think.

The National Trust would have to be dealt with carefully if you went that route. Many buildings would not have survived if it were not for them and their members and of course (although it would not really effect your proposal) the cost of maintenance. What would you do about forcing those that bought the assets to keep them up to the same standard as many of the assets are part of our heritage. In the same breath I would like to see the powers of the English Heritage Trust (I think that's their name) who control what you can and cannot do to a listed building curtailed, some of the restrictions placed on renovation works are just stupid. I would like them to use a bit more common sense.

I am reading through the Jury Team website and am finding it very interesting and informative. The only two bits so far I disagree with is the amount of troops sent to Afghanistan, I believe we should withdraw completely and I would want to stay in Europe. I have a lot left to read and it will will probably take a few days as I am quite busy.

Finally the English always get their backs up when the egged on by being beaten with a big stick. I have always found that leading them with a carrot gets much better results.

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Finally the English always get there backs up when the egged on by being beaten with a big stick. I have always found that leading them with a carrot gets much better results. Quote Quillan

Getting backs up - yes! By telling someone on this forum that something I wrote was badly written!!!


again a suggestion, originally meant in a kind and helpful way

Practice or look up on the internet,  the difference between 'there' and 'their',  and many other errors too.


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[quote user="tegwini"]

Finally the English always get there backs up when the egged on by being beaten with a big stick. I have always found that leading them with a carrot gets much better results. Quote Quillan

Getting backs up - yes! By telling someone on this forum that something I wrote was badly written!!!


again a suggestion, originally meant in a kind and helpful way

Practice or look up on the internet,  the difference between 'there' and 'their',  and many other errors too.



Thanks for pointing out my spelling mistake, I use a spell checker but then it does not correct in context.

Spelling errors are no where near as bad as writing something so badly it can easily be read the wrong way. Something that I also too tried to point out in a kind and helpful way.  I won't bother in future, I don't want to get my head bit off. By the way Internet is commonly spelt with a capital I as it is a name but lets not get pedantic. [;-)]

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Dog You may be pleased to know that some cut backs are about to be made when it comes to the public purse. My daughter a specialist nurse a sister in a renal unit has been told her hospital is in the red and her job is at risk as they are looking at redundancies . Country wide there will be many more like her soon .
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That's crazy! We need medical staff, they should be cutting back on manager types; I don't understand what they do I'm afraid, but there seems to have been a huge proliferation of them. Surely when some leave they should not be replaced, or a more junior person appointed and trained up.


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Perhaps if they got rid of the contract/agency nurses first it might help. As long as they keep them nurses will be trained then leave only to come back as contract/agency nurses with a much higher wage not to mention the added agency cost. I also think that where large amounts of money are spent on training there should be a minimum work period after they finish their training. This should be put in their contract prior to the commencement of their training and be for a period of say 5 or 10 years. This in turn would release money to improve nurses wages and attract more to the job. I can only find a figure for 2004/2005 and then it was running a £1.3 billion (according to the NHS website) then and it can only have gone up.
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[quote user="buelligan"]

Quillan said; [quote]I won't bother in future, I don't want to get my head bit off.[/quote]

...speaking in a purely kind and helpful way, I think that should be "bitten off"...[:D][:D][:D]


People in glass houses and all that, check your tag line. (by the way either will do, it's not a grammar lesson, I think you understood)

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I knew a satanist that used that quote. He got caught with the Chief of Special Constables other beardie weirdies and some naked ladies in a wood by the News of the World.

It was quite amusing as the police didn't realise witchcraft laws had been repealed - they kept him on remand for 18 months to teach him a lesson - I think - as his trial collapsed within days.

I think he has found god now but I am not sure which one.

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[quote user="ebaynut"][quote user="Quillan"]

I have been trying to remember the name of a TV program I once watched but I can't, I think it was called something like 'How English are You'. Anyway the general gist was they selected a group of people and asked them how English they were. There were two people that I remember, a mature lady and Ian Wright the footballer. Whilst the first, who held opinions only very slightly to the left of 'him' and was ranting about the population being diluted by immigrants etc whilst Ian Wright was sure he came from Africa somewhere in his dim distant past. The then took DNA samples from which they could work out the region of the world their family line originated from. It turned out that the 'white' English aristocratic ladies DNA originated from Romany Gypsies in norther Russia and that Ian Wright had far, far more  English DNA in him that she did. Of course she claimed it was a setup, a fiddle etc, etc.

The point I am coming to is wouldn't it be interesting if they did the same for 'him' and wouldn't it be a real scream if it turned out he came from some obscure coloured Jewish or Muslim part of the world or someplace similar.


It COULD be suggested that anyone who is truly English will know that they are, and other English people will also know this. ( like Masons know when they meet a fellow Mason, it would not take long to realize)

People who keep calling into question what makes someone English  it could, be also  suggested are not English and know they are not, but would soooo love to be, but NEVER can. [;-)]
[/quote] As someone who has posted on the thread questioning another poster's definition of "truly english", may I respond without receiving vitriole? I am not 'truly english', I was born in England and lived in England until I was 33, at which point I moved to another country. I have never asked anyone to call me "English" and I certainly would not like to be thought of as "english" given some of the posts made on this thread. I would probably pass your "mason-like" test on sight / conversation but I don't really want to be in your club. I am not truly english; my husband is not truly french; our children are......... human beings? Very confusing!
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My wife considers herself "English", she sounds french, definately is a bit coloured.

We were going to Geneva next, but that secondment seems to have fallen through, the Swiss economy is as dead as a dodo. It is likely I'll be going to the UK, and I'm starting to get a little worried. If I get posted to the UK what sort of discrimation is she likely to face. We were in  London about 10 years ago, without any problems. I get the impression that maybe things have changed? Have attitudes changed, is there active, or discrete, discrimation against non-whites?

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[quote user="Cat"][quote user="buelligan"]

Not sure what you mean Quillan! [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiccan_Rede[/url] [8-)]  ...


buelligan, wiccan all rede, it's the riteing that's the problem [:)]


Is it anything to do with Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee?

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[quote user="velcorin"]My wife considers herself "English", she sounds french, definately is a bit coloured.It is likely I'll be going to the UK, and I'm starting to get a little worried. If I get posted to the UK what sort of discrimation is she likely to face. We were in  London about 10 years ago, without any problems. I get the impression that maybe things have changed? Have attitudes changed, is there active, or discrete, discrimation against non-whites?[/quote]

I was on an interview panel the other day for a graduate-level post. Our shortlist (from over 50 applicants) comprised (in terms of their origins): a Kenyan woman, a Malaysian, three Indians (one Sikh - turban was a bit of a giveaway), an Iranian and a white English man. All had the right to live and work in the UK - we could not/would not justify getting a work permit. First to be eliminated - the white English man. The top 3 were the Malaysian, an Indian and the Kenyan woman. The reality is that if even if one WANTED to discriminate against non-whites, one would be left with precious few good candidates to choose from. And this was for a job well away from London. If you left London 10 years ago, all that has changed is that London now is even more multi-national/multi-ethnic. I have no doubt that there are still some people who discriminate - there always have been some - but I don't think that the situation in London has changed for the worse over the last 10 years.



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