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Question re tax on-line


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I have just done my tax on-line using 2047, 2042 & 3916. All went well or so I thought however having looked at the PDF docs on my account to print I have all three but I have also acquired an extra document ie a 2042C (complementaire). I did not check the box for this form but it has arrived with the 8TX box completed with the amount as indicated on the 2047. I've gone back into my account and gone through everything again and have left a note in the information page as to why it's there as it shouldn't be as we don't have any complementary income. Can anyone tell me what I may have done/not done or how to delete it - I have tried! The amount payable is correct as I had that worked some time ago. Thanks Mrs KG
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Have you tried deleting it from the 2047?

Second page of 2047 where the selections are made the last line "Des revenus de source étrangère imposables aux contributions sociales." deselect if ticked

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I've found the line as you said and have removed the amount! So now I have a blank 8TX on the pink 2047, I have the 2042 and still have the 2042C with the 8TX amount printed in it! I think I may be losing the will to live!

Edit: going back through the screens yet again I found I have a box automatically ticked ie 8 divers which I've unticked (not sure that I should have)! Off to have another look!
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Having unticked the 8 Divers box I have now managed to reduced by tax bill by only paying PS on interest and not on the pensions so I've obviously c*cked that up! Oh la la and I thought this year it would be so simple!
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If you hold an S1 you are going to have to keep divers on 2042 and cross 8SH/8SI.  With the 2047 section cleared you should now be able to remove the amount from 8TX on the 2042 direct.

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Guess what, I have so confused myself & probably the tax office that I have re ticked the divers box and am more or less back to where I started. I've printed the forms and the 2047 now has nothing in the 8TX box, the 2042C is showing the amount in the 8TX box and the 2042 doesn't show an 8TX box. We do not have an S1 - we are early retired but hopefully this September one of us gets to apply for the state pension and if Brexit allows it we will also get the S1. I know that we should have no tax to pay which is usual but we do pay PS on our pension & interest at the reduced 3.8% rate. Why I can't shift this blessed 2042C I don't know but the PS calculations match my own workings. Think I'm rambling a bit now maybe I should finish for the day!
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Yes, I said that I was rambling on! It's cos the box says 3.8%. Normally we pay PS on pension at the lowest rate due to never being over the bareme. 17.2 % on the miniscule interest! Sorry is that what you are saying? Oooh I think it's time for a nice glass of wine & a bit of cheese!
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Thanks for all your input David much appreciated.

Yesterday I deselected the Divers and found my impot showed social charges on my interest only - no social charges on our pension. That frit me cos we are early retired and in Puma and I'm sure I read somewhere that we had to pay socials on our early retirement pensions which goes towards the health system as we no longer make payments to URSSAF. Our last payment request to URSSAF was December 2015 and we've paid nothing since. Maybe I'm just very confused.
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Prob below the plafond for PUMA cotisations so no payment request from URSSAF.


If the pension income declared 2018 is the same as 2017, it will show as no PS this year.
If the interest is new income or higher than 2017 then it will incur PS.

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Thanks for the link, now read and saved!

I've been back into the system and somewhere somehow found a note that explained 8I Divers on page 4 of the 2042 and 8I Divers on page 8 of the 2042. Having read the information I needed page 4 in order to tick the 8UU box but didn't need page 8. I did the necessary and then low and behold I had before me a 2042 (not 2042C) which I've completed then picked up the 2047 and duly completed that and the 3916. The 2042 appeared to be the same as last years however the 2047 did not allow me to complete 8TX - section 9 (looking at last years 2047 ) wasn't there to complete but section 9 is on the printed copy - I give up! Anyhow I'm reasonably happy as I have the accuse de reception stating I have completed 2042, 2047 and 3916. I shall just see what transpires as I'm not doing it again - they will think I'm barmy - quite rightly so!
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Thank you for all the questions and answers above which I have checked against my own forms.
It's like painting by numbers, trying to fill in the same boxes every year and hoping it is right.  The big one is ticking the 2OP this year - thank you for that pointer, David.

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Just in case it is of any help to someone else, my mind now a lot clearer this morning I now remember that there is a small box where you can search for a form or box number and knowing that I must tick 8UU which doesn't appear on the 2042C I put in the search box 8UU that's where the information for using 8I Divers Page 4 and 8I Divers Page 8 came from. By selecting page 4 I was taken to the 2042, page 8 took me first time round to the 2042C (I printed off a copy originally). So I think a bit of the mystery is solved.
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We are retired UK teachers with S1 forms and rental income from a UK property plus UK OAPs.
On 2047 we've put OAP in 1AL and 1 BL, Rental income plus Government pensions (gross) in 8TK.
On 2042 we've put OAP in 1AL and 1BL, Rental in 4BA and tax paid in 8VM.

It didn't spit this out so we are hoping it's correct.  Does anyone agree with this?


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