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Royal Hospital Nurse Hoax victim takes her own life


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Steve Penk, arch wind-up merchant. Pay special attention to the last two paragraphs. There's plenty of precedent for what could go wrong with hoax calls.

Lets hope he's correct about these two unprofessional btoadcasters who couldn't be bothered to undertake any research into what can happen in this situation.

I said it earlier and there's nothing been posted that makes me want to change my opinion, if they're as sorry as they claim to be they should have resinged instead of parading themselves around TV stations.

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Steve Penk ???? Is that the best you can do ?

Ok Benjamin - you've drawn your line in the sand. What punishment would you like to deal out to the 2 Australian DJ's? And - would you carry it out yourself?

I very much doubt it can be anything worse than they are going through right now.....

And to think....people on hear criticise my compassion.....

A large supply of mirrors required......


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Can I ask if anyone here honestly thought that anyone would commit suicide when they first read/heard about the hoax call. I know I didn't, I'm pretty sure Prince Charles didn't or he wouldn't have joked about it, The hospital clearly didn't or I am sure they would have taken more care to stop it occurring. So why are you all surprised that the two perpetrators didn't foresee it either.

Perhaps some of you did think suicide was likely. It would be interesting to hear from you in that case. But then why didn't you alert the hospital to the risk. Once you start playing the blame game where do you stop

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Well Rabbie personally I would have thought it highly unlikely but that's just my way of thinking. As I have mentioned more than once however is that the nurse comes from a different culture which throws a bit of a curved ball at the question and we can't get inside her head to discover what she was thinking. Different cultures have different perspectives on such things. Somebody said there is a note, if that is the case we shall have to wait and see as no doubt the content will be revealed to the coroner.
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My point was that none of us thought suicide would happen and while we living in the UK or France might have realised that there would be immigrant nurses working it is perhaps not so obvious to someone living in Australia. I for one have no idea of the ethnic mix of nurses in Australian hospitals.

I agree that her cultural background makes it difficult to guess her reasons but we will have to wait and see. What I dont like is the holier than thou attitude of those that are rushing to condemn without knowing the full story.

It was well summed up by Robert Burns in his poem "Address to the Unco Guid"

O ye wha are sae guid yoursel',
Sae pious and sae holy,
Ye've nought to do but mark and tell
Your neibours' fauts and folly!
Whase life is like a weel-gaun mill,
Supplied wi' store o' water;
The heaped happer's ebbing still,
An' still the clap plays clatter.

Hear me, ye venerable core,
As counsel for poor mortals
That frequent pass douce Wisdom's door
For glaikit Folly's portals:
I, for their thoughtless, careless sakes,
Would here propone defences
Their donsie tricks, their black mistakes,
Their failings and mischances.

Ye see your state wi' theirs compared,
And shudder at the niffer;
But cast a moment's fair regard,
What maks the mighty differ;
Discount what scant occasion gave,
That purity ye pride in;
And (what's aft mair than a' the lave),
Your better art o' hidin.

Think, when your castigated pulse
Gies now and then a wallop!
What ragings must his veins convulse,
That still eternal gallop!
Wi' wind and tide fair i' your tail,
Right on ye scud your sea-way;
But in the teeth o' baith to sail,
It maks a unco lee-way.

See Social Life and Glee sit down,
All joyous and unthinking,
Till, quite transmugrified, they're grown
Debauchery and Drinking:
O would they stay to calculate
Th' eternal consequences;
Or your more dreaded hell to state,
Damnation of expenses!

Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames,
Tied up in godly laces,
Before ye gie poor Frailty names,
Suppose a change o' cases;
A dear-lov'd lad, convenience snug,
A treach'rous inclination
But let me whisper i' your lug,
Ye're aiblins nae temptation.

Then gently scan your brother man,
Still gentler sister woman;
Tho' they may gang a kennin wrang,
To step aside is human:
One point must still be greatly dark,
The moving Why they do it;
And just as lamely can ye mark,
How far perhaps they rue it.

Who made the heart, 'tis He alone
Decidedly can try us;
He knows each chord, its various tone,
Each spring, its various bias:
Then at the balance let's be mute,
We never can adjust it;
What's done we partly may compute,
But know not what's resisted.

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They wont get any compassion from me [:@]

My reasons are that they are younger than me, better looking than me, considerably richer than me and have a brighter future than me [6]

Oh and I dont like Australians either [:P]

Apart from Richard that is [;-)], and in fact all the other Australians I have had the pleasure of meeting, its the rest of em, especially the DJ's and celebs, and Peter André but not Barry Humphries.

I am going to have a lie down now!

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[quote user="Chancer"]

They wont get any compassion from me [:@]

My reasons are that they are younger than me, better looking than me, considerably richer than me and have a brighter future than me [6]

Oh and I dont like Australians either [:P]

Apart from Richard that is [;-)], and in fact all the other Australians I have had the pleasure of meeting, its the rest of em, especially the DJ's and celebs, and Peter André but not Barry Humphries.

I am going to have a lie down now!


This is an example of Aussie Radio Stations  and what they get up to with pranks             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTt4ACJykho

After listening to that I don't like Australians

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[quote user="Rabbie"]

O ye wha are sae guid yoursel',
Sae pious and sae holy,
Ye've nought to do but mark and tell
Your neibours' fauts and folly!
Whase life is like a weel-gaun mill,
Supplied wi' store o' water;
The heaped happer's ebbing still,
An' still the clap plays clatter.

Hear me, ye venerable core,
As counsel for poor mortals
That frequent pass douce Wisdom's door
For glaikit Folly's portals:
I, for their thoughtless, careless sakes,
Would here propone defences
Their donsie tricks, their black mistakes,
Their failings and mischances.

Ye see your state wi' theirs compared,
And shudder at the niffer;
But cast a moment's fair regard,
What maks the mighty differ;
Discount what scant occasion gave,
That purity ye pride in;
And (what's aft mair than a' the lave),
Your better art o' hidin.

Think, when your castigated pulse
Gies now and then a wallop!
What ragings must his veins convulse,
That still eternal gallop!
Wi' wind and tide fair i' your tail,
Right on ye scud your sea-way;
But in the teeth o' baith to sail,
It maks a unco lee-way.

See Social Life and Glee sit down,
All joyous and unthinking,
Till, quite transmugrified, they're grown
Debauchery and Drinking:
O would they stay to calculate
Th' eternal consequences;
Or your more dreaded hell to state,
Damnation of expenses!

Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames,
Tied up in godly laces,
Before ye gie poor Frailty names,
Suppose a change o' cases;
A dear-lov'd lad, convenience snug,
A treach'rous inclination
But let me whisper i' your lug,
Ye're aiblins nae temptation.

Then gently scan your brother man,
Still gentler sister woman;
Tho' they may gang a kennin wrang,
To step aside is human:
One point must still be greatly dark,
The moving Why they do it;
And just as lamely can ye mark,
How far perhaps they rue it.

Who made the heart, 'tis He alone
Decidedly can try us;
He knows each chord, its various tone,
Each spring, its various bias:
Then at the balance let's be mute,
We never can adjust it;
What's done we partly may compute,
But know not what's resisted.


I like your poem, Rabbie.  For me, I think "The Twa Corbies"  would describe the situation just as well.

I won't try to reproduce the Twa Corbies here because I don't think the software would allow a long post like that.  But, I do take your point [:)]

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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]What? ALL of them Frederick, Chancer ? This thread, on a tragic and serious subject, has now descended into idiocy. Let's try and get a grip shall we - without resorting to jingoism. Truly pathetic behaviour..... Chiefluvvie[/quote]

Nice try, no takers though [:P]

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[quote user="Chancer"]

They wont get any compassion from me [:@]

My reasons are that they are younger than me, better looking than me, considerably richer than me and have a brighter future than me [6]

Oh and I dont like Australians either [:P]

Apart from Richard that is [;-)], and in fact all the other Australians I have had the pleasure of meeting, its the rest of em, especially the DJ's and celebs, and Peter André but not Barry Humphries.

I am going to have a lie down now!


I was born and bred in England. I only spent 7 years in Australia and got citizenship after 5 years (and no, I didn't pinch anything ;) )

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Q. Having known very very many RAF personnel over the years,

I have never ever heard one mention the aerobatic manoeuvre known as a loop

called ‘loop the loop’ as you have. This is a layman’s term.

Are you really sure you are a retired RAF navigator?

[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]The 2 Australian DJ's were playing a prank - just like the thousands before them have played in the media. We have all at one time or another laughed at some of these pranks - indeed some laughed at the hospital one before the suicide of the nurse. No one has ever died before because of a radio prank call. There is absolutely no way the DJ's could have foreseen the tragic outcome and in no way did they ever expect or want that outcome. There was no intention to harm, no malice - just like when I go out in my car or fly a plane - I have no intention of harming anyone but sh*t happens - sometimes. The DJ's are not to blame for the death of Jacintha Saldhana - she committed suicide - an entirely selfish act in itself. No one, except her, knows why she did it. Chiefluvvie[/quote]

I'm not picking a fight here but I think your wrong and this is why.

When you fly your plane or drive your car you are going about your business from one place to another. When these DJ's are working they are there to play music which is why they are called DJs short for Disk Jockey.

If you decided for instance to attempt to loop the loop in your plane or do 'doughnuts' in your car in the high street for fun and somebody ends up dead then its your fault, it is nothing to do with sh*t happening. In this case these DJ's went and did something other than the job they are actually paid for and it went wrong, terribly wrong.

Perhaps committing suicide in our culture may be selfish but it is also a very brave thing to do. The nurse was not from our culture even though she was a Catholic and quite possibly felt that the shame was hers and too great for her to carry on.

But, all that aside and perhaps where we do have some common ground is that we don't actually know for sure and won't know until the coroners court has held its investigation. Did she for instance leave a note and if so is the only contributory reason for her killing her self. In short we have to wait and see.

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[quote user="betty"]

Q. Having known very very many RAF personnel over the years, I have never ever heard one mention the aerobatic manoeuvre known as a loop called ‘loop the loop’ as you have. This is a layman’s term.

Are you really sure you are a retired RAF navigator?


Exactly and there are very few ex RAF people on the forum, two I think in total.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]More than two. I can easily think of 3 obvious ones, there are probably more around.[/quote]

Funny enough when answering the question I was thinking about aerobatics and how sad as it is 35 years ago now that greatest British (well technically Canadian) pilot and possibly the world's Neil Williams died and in the same year Doug Bianchi. I knew them both although more as acquaintances along with Peter Hoare who was one of the best navigators (and pilot) I had the privilege to meet. I had jollies with both Neil (Pits Special 2A) and Doug (Stampe). I was going to fly back from Spain with Neil in a HE110 (CASA) but got called back early which was lucky for me. Happy days but now a distant memory.

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 I'll keep most of my comments to myself.Suffice it to say you bit, as expected, at the Steve Penk posting.You have what appears to be a well developed propensity for only commenting on pieces where you feel you can score a point.

Tell me which bit of the following you disagree with as I've now said it twice.


[quote user="Benjamin"]

 if they're as sorry as they claim to be they should have resinged


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And you would have read that before you posted the link, would you? And you will be able to back that up with another source, presumably. Not that I don't always turn to "hollywoodinvasian" for my news, you understand, only my antivirus software appears to dislike it. However, I just can't seem to find any other reports to substantiate that.

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I feel sorry for the nurse's family; it must be an awful thing to have a family member commit suicide, but before she committed suicide I thought that the phone call was a rather childish prank. I don't see that anyone could have anticipated the nurse's reaction (if indeed it was in response to her answering the phone), so to me it was still a childish prank. If the DJs had had the benefit of hindsight they wouldn't have made the call, but surely no-one would have expected such an extreme reaction.
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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]Yawn Do keep up Benjamin - they have http://hollywoodinvasian.com/australian-djs-resign-after-royal-hoax-leads-to-suicide/ Feel better ? Chiefluvvie[/quote]

They have what, resigned, been sacked or what?

In the link you gave it says in the title 'Resigned' in the text it says "had been removed from the air" which would give the impression they were 'pushed' rather than 'jumped'.

However if you go on the parent company website and look in the press release section at the statement they have given the first thing that hits you is that the program has been removed which obviously means they won't be on the radio. Further down the statement it says "SCA and the hosts of the radio program have also decided that they will not return to the airwaves until further notice.". At the bottom it says that the radio station is providing support for them. Nowhere does it mentioned the words resigned or sacked in fact far from it, it implies that for the time being they are still employees of the station.


PS. Betty I think the above link is probably a source that you would prefer rather than the other link given, horses mouth and all that.[;-)]

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"The programme has been removed"

You can do a lot of things when you do that.

Today is the last day of the Breakfast programme, starting tomorrow is the Dawn programme, same presenters, same format just a different name.

Is the station waiting for the dust to die (or gauge the mood of the advertisers) before putting them back on air?

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