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Norman, are you listening?


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I so agree, they ALL do it [6] However, if something really grabs me, I then go away and find a full performance elsewhere though that isn't always possible.

It seems to me that everything is shortened, neatened, cleaned out, trussed up and only then presented.  I have spent the last week listening to Cardiff Singer of the World and there were some real gems and I couldn't begin to pick the winner.  But again, they pick bits and pieces, and only broadcast on a Welsh channel.

To the starving, I suppose even crumbs are welcome.

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"Music broadcasting has become like MacDonalds"

But even McDo, I believe, not being able to speak with full knowledge, do not expect their customers to settle just for the sesame seed bun, or the patty, or the 'trimmings' ...

I hate those channels that insist on broadcasting little slices of great musuic.
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  • 2 weeks later...
YES, I watched that....gave me goose bumps..

I thought the violinist was fantastic.  Did you see her bowing technique?  Unbelievably difficult and she did it so gracefully and apparently effortlessly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I saw a very nice typo day before yesterday, relating to tonight's Concert de Paris.

Linternaute.com (https://www.linternaute.com/sortir/guide-des-loisirs/1030307-14-juillet-2021-defile-magasins-ouverts-et-histoire-du-14-juillet/) announced that the mezzo would be Clémentine Margarine.

I had not previously heard of Mme Margaine. I think she is rather well known, but very unlikely to change her name to include that 'r'.
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  • 3 weeks later...
It wasn't the first time I experienced this performance and it was even better the second time around[:D]


Just excellent all round.....music, soloists, choir, orchestra.....perfect...

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Hells Bells, I can't get any sound[6]  Going to have to find a way to get it working...I love Elina Garanca's singing; always so composed and sings right in the middle of the note and has a great range and huge stage presence.

Will have another go tomorrow.  Thanks for posting.

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Still no sound on that link from my computer though I have sound for every other video[:'(]

Borrowed OH's computer and, while there was sound, it was still faint despite my turning up the volume to 100%.

Then I borrowed his tablette and at last I managed to hear the concert.  Anyway, that was just moaning; concert was lovely and I am here to say thank you[:)]

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Indeed, I often wonder what I'd do without Arte.  OTOH am still waiting for a prom that would set the Thames on fire.  Haven't been particularly struck by anything so far but I know it's only a matter of time[:)]

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