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I believe that may, possibly, be the case.

What we REALLY need is a warning when you log on that a PM has been received - some people obviously don't check, or check their emails, or aren't warned by email or something. Whatever, they never read PMs or reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the "1 view" of my PM to Ty Korrigan some weeks ago was not a viewing at all but simply down to me posting the message. I assumed it was showing that he had read it and that the lack of a response was that he had chosen not to acknowledge it. If I have correctly understood this thread, he hasn't a clue (unless he now reads this, which is a little late in the day) that I sent him a message. 

Perhaps I should have posted one of the "daft messages" saying I had PM'd him....

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***Perhaps I should have posted one of the "daft messages" saying I had PM'd him....***

Sometimes it is: necessary/ diplomatic/ helpful/ politic/ polite or simply more efficient to do just that. That is what I have discovered. 


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[quote user="Spg"]

***Perhaps I should have posted one of the "daft messages" saying I had PM'd him....***

Sometimes it is: necessary/ diplomatic/ helpful/ politic/ polite or simply more efficient to do just that. That is what I have discovered. 



So would emailing be more reliable than PM-ing on this forum?  What, effectively, is the difference between PM-ing and emailing in terms of privacy and end result?  Serious question!

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