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Income tax statistics in France

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A quick look at this site http://www2.impots.gouv.fr/documentation/statistiques/ircom2005/dep/dep.htm shows that in 2005 (based on the 2006 tax declarations), in my commune:

  • the 556 households who filled in a declaration had an average RFR* of €11 197. (French national average: €17 165)
  • of these, the 193 taxable households had an average RFR of €21 446 (French national average: €25 805)
  • in the Lot department, 31 597 households had an average RFR of €3 878
* RFR: Revenu Fiscal de Référence = net taxable income

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Very interesting to see where the offical wealth of the country resides. Of course declared income has no real relationship to actual or real income. Most French folks lie through their teeth on 'le Declaration Preremplie'.
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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]But I recall the previous postings, you chose to stay here and staying here means paying here as we all have to do.[/quote]

Lets not confuse what my wife chooses to do with me. I play along for marital peace... not that there is too much of that at times either.

I do pay my taxes... but am I happy about the chunk it takes out of my income? No.

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"Most French folks lie through their teeth on 'le Declaration Preremplie'"[:)]

I think that I remember reading that the impots receipts took a surprising jump last year. Looking at our commune's returns  (14608 average overall, but only 20488 for imposibles), it makes one wonder where the money comes from to buy the new cars, including the fair smattering of Passats, 806's, etc. I can draw conclusions, but what does n.d. stand for?

I believe that household members can opt to be taxed separately? If so, and if it is common, the figures would be much more difficult to interpret.


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