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Four in a Bed


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I tried to post about this earlier but couldn't. 

It is interesting how long one of the couples has been running their business and yet they don't understand the most basic French (at least he doesn't - hard to tell about her as he dominates - is this the couple you mean, Idun?)  What do they do when French customers call wanting a room - send them away?

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Was that the "eccentric royalist" in the Dordogne (I didn't watch the program, just checked the channel 4 website)?

I wonder when the episode was filmed, as the only person I can find by that name is selling up and going back to the UK!

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I can't remember when I saw the "call for French hosts" on AngloMisInfo... not more than 6 months ago, more likely October / November last year.

ETA: the production company were asking late August last year for volunteers. So I guess the filming was probably done last autumn.

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