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Angouleme Airport Car Hire

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Hi All - anyone know of a reasonable car hire firm for Angouleme Airport. The few quotes I have had seem extremely high at a minimum £145 for a 2 day period. Ryanair have just changed the flight times from evening to mid-day which may be causing problems that aren't sorted yet and many of the sites I've tried on the web either don't feature the airport or say they are closed. It is the 31st March which might well be the first flight of the season but...?


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Thanks for posting this - I can't help you, but you helped me!! Only a few days ago I booked my husband on the evening flights to and from Angouleme, deliberately chosen so as to avoid day time travelling and thus maximising time off without taking leave. Only due to your post, I discover the time chandges!! I have heard nothing form the carrier and am not sure we will be able to use the flights now. Am considering what to do as I type. But thanks for alerting me!
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I am sure that last year there was discussion on here about car hire at Angouleme airport. It could be worth doing a "search".

I too was interested to see that Ryanair have changed their flight times on this route. A shame for those who have booked to benefit from the late departure / arrival times but the new midday flight times may suit others better.

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We too are flying to Angouleme on the 31st March and I received an email informing us of the flight time change 10 days ago. I rang Hertz on their English number (02070260077) as I too found the Ryanair website very confusing and to be honest I didn't trust it when it came to changing my car hire booking. I spoke to someone who was very helpful who changed my booking to the new ( midday) times without any problems. The price though, was, as you say, about £147 but strangely it was £3 cheaper with the new timings!

It does seem very expensive and I had previously spent ages trawling the net looking for cheaper deals, but to no avail. Would love to hear if you come up with something!


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