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Can someone translate the meaning please?


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What exactly does this mean?  I don't see it on all house listings, but I do see it on some. 

 Ce bien fait l’objet d’une délégation de mandat.

Can someone help me out here?

Thank you.

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Yes, that is a BIG house.

I actually liked most of it.  Too close to the other houses though.  The bedroom wallpaper would need changing.  But that kind of thing is no big deal.

The drop ceilings are a different story.  You can see the mould around the edges in several photos; typical of drop ceilings.  That is not an inexpensive thing to change.

Are the suburbs of Beziers safe?

Thanks for the link Norman.  And the explanation of the combined efforts of several agencies working together.  I have not seen that in the Vaucluse/Drome - short of agencies in the same network; all Maurice Garcin agencies work together.

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This house is on the simple side, but it looks like a lovely setting.  Berlou does not appear to be in a flood zone and is in the level 2 radon zone.


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Berlou is a lovely quiet village in a magnificent area where I used to go often when I could still drive.  It may be a little TOO quiet as there would be little social life, but St Chinian and Roquebrun both  which now have  "Anglo" communities are not far

As Dpt71 says there is not much there except the cave and this restaurant whose owners I knew quite well, although I don't know if it will have survived Covid

It is about 40 minutes to Béziers and the sea

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Yes, also stayed in Berlou.  Nearest big town is St Chinian, but not at  lot to do in Berlous itslef, (nice cave though) foothills of the Montagne Noire, a long way to Beziers, roads not so easy and full of traffic .. especially wagons and few little overtaking possible.  Can't load your link again, Lori.

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Thank you all.  Sorry Judith, I don't know how to post a link other than to copy and paste it.

Sounds like Berlou might just be too small.  Looks like it doesn't even have a boulangerie, a pharmacie or small supermarket.  Fifteen minutes to St. Chinian isn't bad, but a bit much for a quick trip to pick something up.  I'm sure it would bother me after a while.

Beautiful setting though.

And the link to the restaurant was great !  Though I have to wonder how a restaurant in the middle of no where would survive in the best of times.

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People travel from a distance (from Béziers as I used to) They had a number of gîtes for those who wanted to stay overnight.

The very best restaurant in the  area is even more remote up in the Corbières..

though Gilles Goujon  the chef has just opened another place in Béziers

They are the sort of places where you need to take out a second mortgage if you want to go to..

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Small villages, especially remoter ones (and some not so remote) tend to die in the winter, which can be long even here.  It can be very windy, and very cold.  Yes, Berlou is beautiful (and we were there in summer, it was hot) but really too far to St C for bread etc every morning .. practically has to beat sentiment at times like this.  Best too look for a slightly larger village with at least some amenities, even if the scenery is not so perfect.

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