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Happy Fete de la Musique!!!


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If you live in France stick your nose out the door and there should be a band playing this evening!  The weather's lovely and it's gonna be a good one.

Come back and tell what you did and where you went to celebrate[:)] 

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Even in London the Fete de la Musique is being celebrated!  My husband's French teacher volunteers for a homeless charity and she is organizing a charity Solstice party with a number of up and coming bands in London today .  And, of course, we are going!

I have read recently that the Fete de la Musique was started by an American DJ living in France in 1970s - it has certainly been a success.

Bonne Fete!

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  We had our village do last night - from 1830 until 0200!  Just a relatively small village of less than 2000 people but there were 2 sound stages and a number of impromptu areas; we followed the band and the majorettes around the village, stopping every now and again for things like the Trompes des Chasseurs, the glockenspiels for the kids from the school of Music, the village choir etc etc.   We last peeped out at the main square opposite our house at 0100 when a rock band were giving it about 200 decibels and there were at least 20 people in the audience - all clustered around the pastis bar!  When I got up at 0700 this morning everything had been cleared away - even the semi-permanent bar and the only sign that anything had happened was one empty beer bottle in our front garden......

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Just come back slightly early from a village Festival of Music.  Mr Mercier on the mouth organ, Mr Pierrette on the saxophone etc.  The same folk who did a turn at the village Christmas show.  A bit of karoke with some of the songs in English.  Funny hearing someone trying to sing Robbie Williams' "Angels".  Simple entertainment but great fun.

It's going on 'til midnight but the mosquitos are out so decided to quit bite-less.


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Well, Mr. Polremy is out there somewhere in Perpignan playing his drums. I am desperately trying to stay awake till he returns. He is expecting a lively evening with maybe a few disappointed usap supporters. Anyone been there tonight and got back in one piece?
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Started in Paris in 1981 apparently http://www.istc.org/sisp/index.htm?fx=event&event_id=13116 

Interesting statistic "In 1982 he made a study of the cultural habits of the French, to find that five million people - including one child out of two - played a musical instrument." Wonder what that number is today ?

Nothing about American DJ living in France in 1970s I'm afraid DZ [;-)]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Started in Paris in 1981 apparently http://www.istc.org/sisp/index.htm?fx=event&event_id=13116 

Nothing about American DJ living in France in 1970s I'm afraid DZ [;-)]

Main site


DZ was probably referring to this wiki article, which states that, back in 1976, an all-night celebration was suggested by American musician Joel Cohen, then working for France Musique radio station.

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I would think everyone who lives in the Hesdin area (Pas de Calais) was out in force last night to celebrate the Fetes de Musique. It was my first time  and it was wonderful. The weather was good and the atmosphere was terrific. Some of the rock bands were a tad on the wild side and as we moved from bar to bar their music seemed to merge in to one cacophony of brute sound!!  However round the corner in the square the local band, made up of young and old was doing the West Side Story music. Such talented youngsters among the band, amazing. I can't remember an evening like that in the UK where the only reason people were out was to enjoy themselves without a fight ensuing or a bottle being thrown!!  Well done to all the musicians, you were all great!


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Hot, hot, hot temperatures during the Festival but the mother of all thunder storms after midnight.  Woke to wet grass but hot, hot, hot temperatures again today (south west France).  Understand that it has been raining in Blighty all day yesterday and this morning?
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Well, I managed to stay awake and Mr. Polremy returned happy around 3am.

Apparently the jazzband he was with (Place Poilus - Perpignan) had their photo in L'Independant today. (We woke up too late to buy a copy)

Does anyone know how I can manage to see the photo, print it off and present it to my famous old man? Have tried Googling L'Independant but have got nowhere.

Thanks en avance as they say.
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I went to a small village near my place with a big gang of mates - there was a local band playing who I know and they invited me up to sing a couple of songs.  Then my husband arrived with some musicians from his band after their concert and they did a few numbers too. 

There was a bouncy castle for the kids and it really was a lovely evening.  It was very hot and so we had to drink lots of ice cold beer[:)]  Bad head this morning[:P]

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