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Travel insurance for motorcycle trip to UK


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Does anyone have any suggestions/advice for travel insurance for a 2-3 week trip to UK by French residents travelling on two motorcycles. Carte Européene d'Assurance Maladie is up-to-date, but just wondered if extra medical cover is advisable. Bikes are, obviously, adequately insured.

Merci en avance.

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I'm surprised, on checking, to see that repatriation IS included on my motorbike policy, as Idun says! I didn't know this, not having read all the small print, but it says for illness or injury no matter what mode of transport is used, which seems to imply that I wouldn't have to necessarily be abroad on the motorbike.

I'm insured with Allianz. In fact it says it's worldwide cover and includes a whole string of beneficiaries, wife/husband, children, parents!! I can't see how this can be correct for a motorbike policy which would be used by 2 people at the most, but that's what it says!

As far as travel insurance is concerned though, because we make several trips to UK every year, plus a main holiday, I've now started to use an annual travel insurance policy by Globelink: which works out cheaper annually than for individual breaks. http://www.globelink.co.uk/

No idea what VAM is though, Idun?



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I'll double check the policies as that could be very useful and save a few centimes!

I'll have a look at globelink, thanks Sid. Did I also read somewhere about worldwideinsure.com being an interesting option too?

Anyone have experience of quotes with additional premiums for "existing medical conditions"?

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Vehicule A Moteur.

On your insurance it will, or should be marked RAQVAM and VAM.

Risques autres que vehicule a moteur.......... which would be your house insurance[:D] Isn't it marked like that on your insurance policies?

I had always thought that worldwide cover was included. Still, I would always check my policy, just in case.

And re existing conditions, I'd check. No good asking any of us, that will be between you and your insurer.

I will add that I have always  believed that they will expect you to use your EHIC, or CEAM and then they pay the difference.

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[quote user="idun"]Vehicule A Moteur.

On your insurance it will, or should be marked RAQVAM and VAM.

Risques autres que vehicule a moteur.......... which would be your house insurance[:D] Isn't it marked like that on your insurance policies?

I had always thought that worldwide cover was included. Still, I would always check my policy, just in case.

And re existing conditions, I'd check. No good asking any of us, that will be between you and your insurer.

I will add that I have always  believed that they will expect you to use your EHIC, or CEAM and then they pay the difference.

Ah, OK thanks, but there's nothing like that on my policy or green document. The repatriation section is under "Assistance" in the main policy booklet.

Pre-existing conditions on Globelink: there is a list of conditions on their website which don't require pre-notification, but for anything else you have to phone up for a quote. Once you've phoned of course, there's no going back, and you'd be running the risk on non-payment if you didn't declare something and then required treatment. Insurers generally try to get out of paying!

The OP asked specifically about a UK trip, but I also travel elsewhere where the EHIC isn't valid, USA for example, so a worldwide annual policy works well as a catch-all.



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I went across to the UK on my French reg bike, Portsmouth up to Scotland on the East coast and down on the West in May this year. You might want to warn your biking friends that UK roads (off the motorway) are in pretty poor condition compared to what we are used to here. The UK also have a nasty habit of putting slick manhole covers right on your line on minor road corners, great fun in the wet!!

Got flashed several times too, but no recip agreement on fines.
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Thanks for heads-up.

I think most of my biking friends have already noted how much better the roads are here, and none that I know are thinking of going to the UK by bike, but it's a valid point, thanks.

I think Bugsy will probably pass the message to his touring group when he sees this, but I'll PM him in any case.


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