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electronic mice Deterrents


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Just wondering if anyone has any experience of using these and whether they actually work? Would they affect a cat or dog, ie could they hear the bleeps that we can't?

We do have quite a big mice problem, can't use poison because we have 3 cats and a dog. They're also in places like between the cavities so can't set traps in these places.

The cats are not earning their keep at the moment so I might have to sack them :).

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Bought some last year. I am not convinced, but they do no harm. They probably just make the environment a tad less comfortable. My mouse problem is now better controlled, tho that is by using poison in the out houses. In the house where they are gone I used the glue traps.

The original issue came from the previous owners keeping chickens. All that lovely grain lying about.


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[quote user="woolybanana"]Why would you want to deter electronic mice; surely a magnet would do it?[/quote]


We've had one in our garage in England for a couple of years, following an infestation of mice, who made nests in the insulation in the cavity walls and made a terrible mess as well as nibbling cushions for garden chairs kept in an old trunk. We've had none since; I don't like using poison, so we took the little creatures to a nearby field, and they haven't returned, so the device must be working. However, we don't have pets, so can't help there.

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Ernst, care to mention the name?. I bought one a while back after a late evening callout because someone had set up a bigger version to deter foxes and it was driving the cats and dogs crazy and inducing vomiting in one poor pooch. I could feel the pressure wave on my ears as I approached it.  By contrast the little mouse version I bought was useless they went right passed it (within 30 cm)

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Why would you want to deter electronic mice; surely a magnet would do it?[/quote]

That would only work with ferrous jobbies Wooly. Just take the batteries out would be my suggestion [B]

But on a more serious note. We had problems with crats capping on our gravel drive. We invested in an ultra sonic cat reppeller and it seems to work well 'cause there ain't no suspect lumps on gravel hiding crat cap any more. Mind you, we have to remember to switch it off when we have a friend visit whit their pooch init!

We have a Magic Mouse with our Macs, so there [8-|][8-|]

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Here you go




As I said not cheap but it did the job and continues to do it.

I used to have thousands of mouse droppings plus urine and faeces from a fair sized colony of bats all over everything, and rats which I'd tried but failed to eliminate with daily doses of poison,

All gone now [:D]

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Loire, isn't that a door mouse, and do you know for certain that those are your problem ?

There seems to be something of a blanket assumption about noises in the attic being down to loire when it could just be ordinary mice, that's what were in my roof space and traps and poison got rid of them pretty quickly.

That company which makes mine seem to offer a device for just about any pest you could care to mention so it might be worth asking if you have a specific requirement.

It would certainly appear to be the case that one size does not fit all !

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I'm still investigating, but mice especially and  to a lesser extent rats have a signature tune of scrabbling and scratching. My guest go out late at night and come back early morn, across my bedroom. They sound like the drunk tip toeing in with the occasional thunk. They are much more active fulll moon much less winter. Either fouine or loire metinks. I would be happy to let them be except they insist on crossing the bedroom.


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[quote user="AnOther"]Here you go




As I said not cheap but it did the job and continues to do it.


Thank you, not that expensive either for something that actually works and with a good £/€ at the moment very competitive.


The big snake that lives under the water tank is pretty good at keeping the mice/loire away from at least one end of the building.

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Thank you, regardless of spelling we now all know exactly what we're talking about [;-)]


think Pine Martens would very likely make one hell of a lot more noise scuttling around in

an attic than any mouse possibly could and because of that I would hesitate to class them as the culprits of first choice.
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  • 3 months later...
[quote user="Théière"][quote user="AnOther"]Here you go




As I said not cheap but it did the job and continues to do it.


Thank you, not that expensive either for something that actually works and with a good £/€ at the moment very competitive.


The big snake that lives under the water tank is pretty good at keeping the mice/loire away from at least one end of the building.


Théière I've just ordered a radarscan. How did you get on with the one you purchased, did it solve your problem?

AnO, does yours continue to do the job?

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  • 1 month later...
[quote user="Jay"][quote user="Théière"][quote user="AnOther"]Here you go




As I said not cheap but it did the job and continues to do it.


Thank you, not that expensive either for something that actually works and with a good £/€ at the moment very competitive.


The big snake that lives under the water tank is pretty good at keeping the mice/loire away from at least one end of the building.


Théière I've just ordered a radarscan. How did you get on with the one you purchased, did it solve your problem?

AnO, does yours continue to do the job?


Just caught up with this Jay, Haven't purchased yet but will do most likely. How did you get on?

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Ordered mine on the day of my last post. Took a while to get here but that was down to the post in France I think. Anyway I set it up in the room where the little b***er was disturbing our sleep then went on holiday to Spain. When we got back all was quiet and has been like that ever since thank goodness. So it works! Thanks AnO for your recommendation. 

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