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the price of cheese


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I usually buy Cantal entre deux from Lidl and use that both for eating and cooking.

This afternoon, I was in Intermarché for some tofu and beansprouts and I saw some cheddar for sale.

The cheese is labelled Wyke Farm but is not a yellow colour, more orangey like double gloucester.  I bought a 600 G piece for just over 9 euros.

Is that an OK sort of price?  The cheese tasted fine but nothing to write home about IMHO though OH seemed to like it.

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Our Auchan has pre-packed blocks of the same 6€90 for 600g. Like you I was sceptical but it's not bad. My only complaint would be that some blocks have started to develop mould even though unopened and months within the supposed best before date.

The counter has Cheddar fermiere from the same source but as white rather than red cheddar. I find that quite tasty in the absence of a better offering.
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I was once asked to bring back some chedder from the UK for the daughter of a work colleague.  It seems that in the French version of Wallace and Gromit they eat chedder and not Wensleydale! Can someone confirm that please?

The only 'chedder' we could find here was some fluorescent red stuff (like Red Leicester only more so) and the plastic wrapping had more flavour than the cheese 

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I go to our local Carrefour contact (mini-supermarket) and, now and again, buy some "Seriously strong Cheddar" .The size is 200 grams and whilst I can't remember the exact price it's certainly not expensive and satisfies my "cheese urge". Taking cholesterol medication |I shouldn't each much anyway! Every other day I might eat 20 grams....
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Thanks idun - that article makes welcome reading. I can have a small piece of cheese for breakfast from time to time and guilt free...In Sept blood tests revealed slightly elevated cholesterol levels and a normal Vitamin D. Following a rough time re joint/muscle pains with statin a further test was carried out in December. Cholesterol remained the same but Vitamin D dipped well into deficiency (19 for those who understand the figures). Result was doctor abandoned the statin and put me on another med known as cholesterol absorbtion inhibitor - seems milder than statins. Also had a one large does of Vitamin D and feel better for it!
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That's an interesting article Idun - since having stents put in nearly 10 years ago I've hardly eaten cheese butter or cream, which they warned us off.

The only way I like cheese is grilled ie cheese on toast, but I can't digest it later in the day anyway so I might try it for breakfast. With a poached egg on top.

Mint - can't comment on the price because I only buy those bags of grated emmenthal from the supermarket.

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Cheese is one of the things I buy from specialists and prefer to pay a high price for a small quantity of something delicious rather than a low price for a lump of tasteless fat wrapped up in plastic.

In Béziers I can get this from one of the Fromage affineurs in les Halles, or from the cheese shop opposite, and in the country there are about 5 excellent stalls in the market mainly with producers selling their own.

A 'reasonable' price would be between 17 and 22 € a kilo, but you would rarely buy that much unless you have visitors or a large family.

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