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Complete France Forum

Ebay or Amazon?


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I bought a car trim removal tool kit on Ebay last week, choosing the best price from those offered by sellers in France.

I was surprised when it arrived by La Poste yesterday, shipped by Amazon France.

I searched Amazon France for it, and found several offers for the same item, all for less than I paid, with free delivery within 3 working days. The cheapest was almost 24% less than I paid.

The Amazon sellers are in China, the Ebay seller is listed as being in France.

I intend to check prices more carefully, especially on Amazon, before any future Ebay purchases.
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I am very good at local shopping though.

When we bought this house and it needed a lot doing to it, I reckon I spent about £500 maximum at the likes of B&Q/Wickes. The other tens of thousands were used at local building companies etc and local artisans. And in truth the local stuff was good value.

As they say, use it or lose it with local shops and services.

I don't think I would use amazon prime enough to pay for the service. A good friend reckons that it is brilliant.

And the tv service, we have netflix and have never used it as yet and we have had it for well over six months, so would we watch amazon tv? In the last few months I have only spent the maximum of about £10 on postage on amazon, both delivery and returns included, and that is it.

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  • 1 month later...

"While many companies across the world have been forced to make staff

redundant or place them on government-funded furlough schemes, Amazon is

hiring tens of thousands of staff as the business struggles under the

weight of orders from consumers trapped at homes all over the world."

Even Mike Pence praised them.

Pretty clever move by the French courts. A major supplier and possibly hundreds of jobs removed just like that.

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