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  • 5 months later...

[quote user="Dick Smith"]I just cooked some potatoes. They were very nice.

(This post has been sponsored by the Pointless Thread Company)

It may have been pointless ......... but I'm very jealous!!  Mark hasn't been able to eat potaotes for years & I really miss them!!  [:(]

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Because of his ME Mark is not able to absorb fat or eat carbs - so it's usually salad & a little meat, for him & something veggie, for me.  Potatoes & bread are the worst (but as it's getting close to lunch, I won't go into any detail!!) so meal times are fun, to say the least.  I must admit I do cook myself oven chips, once in a while, but feel very guilty, because he loves them - but they don't love him!! 

Did make a Chilli last night & it was lovely!!  Only problem is I have to cook two!!  One veggie & one with animal!! [:-))]

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