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Complete France Forum

rosier en tige ou en boule


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[quote user="Patf"]
Bon plantation, or whatever it is in french. Are you planting it in open soil? Sounds like it.

We would have buried the ashes of our little sweetheart in the garden, but were leaving.


Yes, Pat, in full sun.  We only have an inch or 2 of topsoil, all the rest is hard calcaire.  As the rose is scented (New Dawn), I'll see if it's possible to plant it near an entrance to the house so that we can benefit from the scent.

Orangier already in its pot in the verandah and I am "genning" up on how to look after it[:)]

Horrible, wet and grey and can't even contemplate putting a foot out of doors[:(]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Incredible......only in just over a week and I can see little sprouts all over the branches, through the wax!

I am one happy bunny and now, when I find the rosier I really wanted, I shall know what to do.  OH cut down a great big bush today and I think the spot next to that, on an elevated bank, will be ideal[:)]

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