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DLA some movement


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Enquiries to the DWP/ExpoTeam from a number of people involved in the reinstatement campaign have indicated that the claims have been batched and are going to the Decision Makers attached to the ExpoTeam.

News today that another one of the people on the new site has been reinstated back to October 2007 - which we knew was the first of the trigger dates - so it actually appears that at last the DWP are getting moving as the Minister said they should.

Great news, mov ement at last and people getting what they are - and have always been - legally entitled to!

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Dear Tony I am so very pleased for you and everyone else who will I was going to say 'benefits' from the decision. That is incorrect 'I am so pleased that the Minister/DWP have at long last put into place the benefits to which claimants are truly entitled'

You will know that prior to coming here I argued my wife's case before a tribunal. What was true then should have been true for everyone and I am not a miracle worker.
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All this needed all along was a change of government in the UK. As soon as the Conservatives are back in charge, everything is being dealt with correctly. 

Labour, the party of the people, indeed yes, their people.

For any government to make a group who are on sickness benefits go through all this worry and work beggers belief, thank goodness Brown has finally gone forever. 
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[quote user="cooperlola"]Ebaynut, the idea that any government department of whichever hue would have moved that quickly is a little fanciful, I fear!  [/quote]

Possibly, but then they ( the new government) have been real quick to put many changes into place. It was Tony F's  post ( last one on page 68 of this thread) that makes its clear of the Conservatives correct stand on this issue, and shows how badly the past Labour government have treated people with a clear right to these payments.

It would only take one call saying "pay them" from the right person.
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For any government to make a group who are on sickness benefits go through all this worry and work beggers belief

Sadly if claiming and checking claimants becomes  more stringent as it is almost bound to, the same group may still have a significant amount of worry, Conservative cooalition or not.

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

All this needed all along was a change of government in the UK. As soon as the Conservatives are back in charge, everything is being dealt with correctly. 

Labour, the party of the people, indeed yes, their people.

For any government to make a group who are on sickness benefits go through all this worry and work beggers belief, thank goodness Brown has finally gone forever. 


Sorry ebaynut, it had nothing to do with the change of Government at all, it was already happening BEFORE the change of Government and was put in place by Jonathan Shaw, the previous Minister at the DWP after a number of complex legal moves after which HMG realised that they couldn't delay any further, the first tranche of people were paid out BEFORE the general election.

And it's still not over, there are still outstanding Tribunal decisions about the period from original disallowance to 18 October 2007 and also a reference back to the ECJ about the Mobility Element of DLA which still needs to be clarified.  So far it's sort of a 'one third' victory, when the other two pieces are in place - and some of the other personal silly arguments used by the DWP on top of the previous reasons for refusal to stop reinstating benefiots - then I wont care which government did what, people will have what they are legally entitled to.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]  Sadly if claiming and checking claimants becomes  more stringent as it is almost bound to, the same group may still have a significant amount of worry, Conservative cooalition or not.[/quote]

Trust me on this, unless the DWP abolish DLA/CA/AA, all the people who have applied for reinstatement have been checked, double checked, had our papers scrutinised by medics and those who also claim IB have been treble checked as part of the last HMG review.  Legally, now we've been reinstated, unless the benefits are abolished completely, many of the claimants who were awarded for life before moving to EEA, will be on the benefit for life.   And unless the ECJ/EU rolls over completely on exportable health benefits and that would upset the Germans and French, that is about as likely as Gordon Brown winning a snap general election should one be called today (and I know he's not leading what used to be the Labour Party any more) as the basic floor of EU social security legislation would have been destroyed.

Unfortunately, some of our little band of fighters didn't live long enough to get the benefit reinstated tho they previously had it for life, the only good thing is that their next of kin/estate will get the backdated money. 

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

For any government to make a group who are on sickness benefits go through all this worry and work beggers belief

Sadly if claiming and checking claimants becomes  more stringent as it is almost bound to, the same group may still have a significant amount of worry, Conservative cooalition or not.


I think you will find that genuine claimants, whilst going through a difficult time, actually welcome any Government which applies more stringent checks on claimants.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

For any government to make a group who are on sickness benefits go through all this worry and work beggers belief

Sadly if claiming and checking claimants becomes  more stringent as it is almost bound to, the same group may still have a significant amount of worry, Conservative cooalition or not.


I think you will find that genuine claimants, whilst going through a difficult time, actually welcome any Government which applies more stringent checks on claimants.

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Hi dr.

I can't speak for the UK as I don't know the rules there but that is only part of what I was thinking. There is nothing more irksome than to see a system being exploited by people who just should not be getting a benefit.

The football referee springs easily to mind as it undermines the integrity and brings into question every genuine claimant's right to a particular benefit.

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[quote user="dragonrouge"]Benjamin as in child allowance for our Polish workers in the UK but with children remaining in Poland. Is that what you mean?[/quote]

Are you saying the Polish workers do not have a genuine claim for child benefit?

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[quote user="Jimmy"][quote user="dragonrouge"]Benjamin as in child allowance for our Polish workers in the UK but with children remaining in Poland. Is that what you mean?[/quote]

Are you saying the Polish workers do not have a genuine claim for child benefit?

As long as the children exist then they surely have a genuine claim on the basis that if you put in (tax & NI) you should get out, however I can't help but feel that at its inception the benefit was targeted at children living in the UK -

Times have moved on and circumstances have changed... perhaps the benefit needs reviewing?

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Jimmy"][quote user="dragonrouge"]Benjamin as in child allowance for our Polish workers in the UK but with children remaining in Poland. Is that what you mean?[/quote]

Are you saying the Polish workers do not have a genuine claim for child benefit?


As long as the children exist then they surely have a genuine claim on the basis that if you put in (tax & NI) you should get out, however I can't help but feel that at its inception the benefit was targeted at children living in the UK -

Times have moved on and circumstances have changed... perhaps the benefit needs reviewing?


Like cold weather allowance for expats?

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 Jimmy, I don't think its any secret that lots of things may have to be reviewed. Some times things evolve and their original purpose gets lost...maybe there are some benefits that need reviewing. I could think of several things about Child Benefit that could be looked at, like do top rate tax payers really need it at all ? Is it to improve the health and welfare of resident children  or is the 'if you pay in you get out, good enough ? Or is it not worth trying to police if you were to change the rules ?

As someone here suggested why do we give 60 year olds heating allowance even when they are working etc ?

 I guess for every benefit  theres a whole raft of questions and now may be the time for them to be asked....


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Jimmy, Polish people I have almost no experience of, but I do know that the system is not watertight so suggest that children abroad could be fictive. Perhaps a rigorous system of checking should be brought in.

I also think that children's allowance should only be paid for the first say three children in a family, and it might be taxable too.

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