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Eye tests in UK


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One could make an argument, Sid, that someone who has paid into the NHS all their working life and who is now retired in France should be just as entitled to the NHS services as anyone else not separated by a strip of water. The optician should accept something recognised by the government with your address on it like..... oh let me see....... the paper part of your driving licence, perhaps? That's an official document, after all. [6]

And as for being fraudulent: is that any more fraudulent than accepting the winter fuel payment when you live in Spain?


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Of course it's an argument, and make no mistake, I DO believe that having paid one's contributions one should be able to use the services. However, that is not how it works, and most of us who move away are aware the the NHS is no longer available to us except with our EHIC. Claiming the benefits that one is entitled to is not fraudulent, whether it's morally right is altogether a different question, but it certainly gets cold here, (I can't speak for Spain), so a fuel allowance would be useful. Why doesn't the government restrict it only to places where the temperature falls below a certain level?

And yes, the driving licence comment did make me smile, but I'm not going there on this thread. [:D]

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Keep your eyes open for offers for free eye tests - particularly at Tesco opticians. As UK residents we have all the benefits of NHS services, but when Tesco had their last offer I had a free eye test and got prescription reading glasses for £10. Six months later Tesco had another offer going and I got a second pair for £10.

Say what you like about Tesco - but some of the things they do suit us very well.
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