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Complete France Forum

Articulated lorry on land by a house


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We're interested in buying a (French) property, parts of which are tenanted.  One of the tenants regularly parks his articulated lorry and trailer on the grass right in front of the house.  He has a lease on his accommodation but it doesn't mention that lorries are not to be parked there because the (absent) landlord didn't expect him to do this.  In fact, the lease is vague about everything as it was badly drawn up.

Does anyone know how to deal with this, were we to buy the property?


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Either get the current owner to sort it out conclusively before you buy or find another house, it is a buyers market.

Who does the verge belong to. If not part of the property then it's possible that he's parking illegally although whether there is anything which could practically be done about it is another question.

Not exactly guaranteed to make you popular though is it, imagine how you'd feel if similar happened in the village you lived in in UK and if it's to be a holiday home then I wouldn't be too surprised to return to broken windows and/or other vandalism.

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The house is a holiday home divided into several appartments.  The lorry is parked slap bang in the front garden in front of the entire house.  In effect, with the lorry there, the property cannot be rented for summer lettings.

We are interested in buying the property but not with the lorry. I agree that we can walk away, which is probably what we shall have to do.  I have posted this thread to find out if there is a legal route.


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