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Free View French TV

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Well I am ashamed to say that my first 2 years in France have consisted in watching UK TV via Sky. I have now got to a point with my French were I would like to watch French TV. The problem is that there is a bl00dy big mountain between me and the repeater station and theres more fog on the screen than pollution round the M25. So my question is..... Is there a none subscribing (paying) way to watch French TV via satellite, like we have free to view for UK TV? Hows it done, where do I get the kit and do I need to get another dish. No techie stuff please as sat TV is not my thing although watching it is.
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A clear line of sight just west of due south, a cheap analogue sat receiver from your local brico shed, a length of co-ax and a compass are all you require.

The satellite you need is Atlantic Bird 3 at 5deg W (i.e. due south, then a kick further round clockwise) All the terrestrial channels are available in the clear in SECAM, so - assuming you have a French or multi-standard TV set you are laughing.

Tune to 12690V and hunt around until you find TF1.

http://www.lyngsat.com/ab3.html  gives you details of everything on this satellite, and the frequencies for the other channels.

Bon chance!



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If you have having problems with terrestial, Sky 825 shows TV 5, which is all French language, though from around the world. However they do show the France 2 news at 8-30 pm.

Worth noting that Digital Terrestial is under way starting next March in France (like FreeView in the UK), see http://www.tvnt.net/ for details.

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[quote]If you have having problems with terrestial, Sky 825 shows TV 5, which is all French language, though from around the world. However they do show the France 2 news at 8-30 pm. Worth noting that Digita...[/quote]

>> Worth noting that Digital Terrestial is under way starting next March in France (like FreeView in the UK), see http://www.tvnt.net/ for details.

That looks interesting...  it's the first I've heard of it. It will be particularly good for people like me who have a reasonable but ghosty ('ringing') sort of signal which seems to be typical of SECAM.

However not much use for poor Quillan with his mountain in the way.


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Hi Chris,

I must say that we started the other way around and can only get French TV. We moved into a rental house that's only got a dish. We got in touch with an English guy the other side of Revel, Aude, wot just deals with ex-pats. He sorted us out with a digibox for our dish and we can get the 6 'free to air' channels, but our dish is pointing Southish. Where's er mountain? We are, hopefully, helping our French by watching only French TV and listening to French radio. The biggest challenge is the Metio and we are convinced that they are on piece time and paid by the word. If that's the case then they must all be rich!!!

When we move into our new house, hopefully mid March, we will have an antenna so we will be able to watch one programme while we watch another. That's not possible is you only have a dish, because what the dish sees is the only thing the 'haunted fish tank' and the VCR or DVD writer can see.....


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