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bricomarche and digi box to pick up uk tv

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i believe a friend of ours bought a digi box which plugs in like freeview but picks up all uk terrestrial channels so no need for satellite. anyone know anything about this again: think he said cost about 100 euros or less from bricomarche or some shop along those lines. thanks
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Hi Blade

Never heard of this before ...... but you are very vague......... "I believe a friend"......... think he said cost about" .......... "or some shop".................so what type of antenna is you friend using?  .......... wet piece of string?....... sorry but I find this hard to believe.......... that does not mean it cannot be true but I am VERY sceptical ...... can you get MAKE &MODEL NUMBER ...... WOULD BE TERRIFIC FOR ALL EX-PAT'S......... but don't get your hopes up people 

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[quote user="Blade"]i believe a friend of ours bought a digi box which

plugs in like freeview but picks up all uk terrestrial channels so no

need for satellite. anyone know anything about this again: think he

said cost about 100 euros or less from bricomarche or some shop along

those lines. thanks[/quote]

Then your friend must have bought this and taken it back to the UK,

because the only terrestrial signals available with any degree of

regularity in France are those available in certain fortunate places on

the north west channel coast/west of Cherburg peninsular, received from

the British Isles Channel Islands transmitters and those most certainly

DON'T contain the digital terrestrial ('Freeview') signals.


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will call my partner's friend over the next day or so guys and visit bricomarche. if true then i'm owed a drink ! if not sorry for asking question!!!![quote user="Gyn_Paul"]Come on then Blade... Fridgeman and I are hanging on your every word !!  ............

Fridgeman... did we really both join on the same day, or was that just the last time the server crashed and took our logon data with it?


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The confusion often arises from the general application of "free" & "digi" to all sorts of broadcast receiving material.  The providers of the services in question do not assist in this matter,  freesatfromsky,  freeview,  freesat,  digibox,  etc etc.

So no-one can be blamed for the misunderstandings that inevitably arise!

Happy New Year!

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Went to Brico Depot yesterday (Chateauroux, 36) and saw they had

'Satellite numerique kits ' for 80 Euros. Normally I see these in the

catalogue but by the time I manage to get to the shop they've all gone,

but this time there was a mountain of the boxes. This really is a good

deal, either for someone starting from scratch and wanting the UK

free-to-air channels, or to add a dedicated feed to an existing system

(for radio, for example).


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I think what you're talking about is the system we have.  We got it for about 100 euros too from Mr Bricolage but of course it does include a satellite dish.  It's a digital system which allows us to pick up the UK free to air services.  Originally we just had BBC and ITV3 but since 1st November we've also had ITV1,2 and 4.  Sod's law of course says that everything I want to watch is on Channel 4!!!  Very easy to set up.
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[quote user="St Amour"]I think what you're talking about is the system

we have.  We got it for about 100 euros too from Mr Bricolage but

of course it does include a satellite dish.  It's a digital system

which allows us to pick up the UK free to air services. 

Originally we just had BBC and ITV3 but since 1st November we've also

had ITV1,2 and 4.  Sod's law of course says that everything I want

to watch is on Channel 4!!!  Very easy to set up.[/quote]

If you're replying to my earlier post then - yes - this is exactly what were talking about. If, however, your're replying to Blade's post then  - no  -  "..... a digi box which plugs in like

freeview but picks up all uk terrestrial channels so no need for

sounds too good to be true, and probably is.


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Yes, I was replying to Blade - I think he's been slightly misinformed, because like you, I think to get the UK channels without a satellite would not only be too good to be true but nigh on impossible!  Even if you are reasonably close to the Channel Islands, as we are, it's still almost impossible to pick up a decent picture with just an aerial.
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