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Is anyone else having problems with Symantec (Norton Internet Security) or is it just me.

I renewed my subscription on-line at the beginning of the month and just did a "LiveUpdate" only to be told my subscription was out of date?  Trying to get through to them is a technophobes nightmare - you just keep getting all these "Knowledge Base" things that you have to print and then go through step by step - if it allows you to and I'm sure my PC is getting slower and slower.

I'm seriously thinking of dumping Norton.  Can you still download AVG free from the internet and does it include a firewall?


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Hello Jan,

Your problems with Norton come as no surprise.

It is intrusive and will slow your computer down. Truly horrible !!

So is McAfee, by the way.

I'm in the IT business and I have lost count of the number of machines I've come across which have been messed up by these two programs.

My view is that the best, cheapest and least costly (in terms of resources) setup is AVG anti virus, with Adaware and Spybot to sort out the malware/spyware etc.

If you are running XP the inbuilt firewall is adequate, if not use Zonealarm.

All these utilities are free and please don't be put off by people who infer that because they are free they are somehow inferior - they are not.

All my computers are protected by AVG/Adaware/Spybot, I'm online pretty much all day everday and I simply do not get problems.

http://www.grisoft.com   (AVG).


http://www.lavasoft.com  (Zonealarm).


or you can find them all in one place at http://www.webattack.com  just click on the freeware tab top right hand side.

I would dump Norton like a shot (it is notoriously difficult to uninstall completely without going into the registry, however).

good luck,


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Thanks for the advice Alfa.

I have had so much trouble with Norton - when I first installed it, it was so secure I couldn't even get into windows!!!!  Fortunately, my husbands computer was just back from my brothers after having it's hard drive wiped and it installed OK on that one.  Since then however, I have had to re-install it 3 times because when I've deleted a couple of games programmes that we didn't want, I lost some files.  Each time I've installed it I get a problem.  I used to have a Norton Utilities package which was brilliant for troubleshooting but Norton Internet Security 2005 won't let me use it?

I'm still using Windows 98 so I think I'll have get the ZoneAlarm.  With a bit of luck, next time I go back to England, my brother is upgrading his computer and is giving me his old motherboard complete with XP and loads of extra speed.

He also recommended AVG but I'd just brought Norton.  He hates the fact that Norton slows down the PC but his girlfriend who is also in the computer business says Norton is the best if you are prepared to put up with some of the niggles.  However, I am now at my wits end with it.  I just need to know I'm "secure" because of the amount of stuff I do on the computer during the day.  I spend a lot of time zipping in and out of various genealogy sites and writing to friends and you just never know what is lurking in the background.  The PC is my lifeline to family and friends back in England.


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[quote user="Suninfrance"]

Thanks Sue

Just had an auto response from Symantec.  I've got to wait up to 48 hours for a reply - they must be really busy [sn] [;)].



Hi Jan

Zonealarm free version is found at:


I have always found it adequate - though the paid for pro version is good if you need ultra-tight extra security.

Lavasoft, as quoted by Alfa is the host name for 'adaware' which I use too, it is also excellent and free.




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I use avast anti virus software. It's free, it's efficient and unlike Norton works and doesn't slow your putie down. I don't use anti spyware software as my browser (Firefox) is pretty much imune to it. Dump internet explorer and get yourself firefox (www.firefox.com). It blocks pop ups, prevents spyware and some viruses and is so much easier and more efficient than IE> It also imports all your IE bookmarks etc over automatically.

If you are a real techie, dump XP and use linux on your machine. It's totally impregnable, free, more efficient than XP (well what isn't?) and doesn't waste as much HD space and memory performing tasks you don't really need. Spyware doesn't affect it, there's no firewall settings to worry about. I'm seriously thinking of going over to it.

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FireFox is my browser of choice, and I agree it is better than IE. But it is nowhere near "immune to spyware" - it's flaws are just less exploited. I have been infected by spyware via FireFox several times. And it isn't more efficient, it is a dog of a program that takes forever to load, is much more buggy in page rendering and generally runs much slower than IE.

>If you are a real techie, dump XP and use linux on your machine. It's

totally impregnable, free, more efficient than XP (well what isn't?)

and doesn't waste as much HD space and memory performing tasks >you

don't really need. Spyware doesn't affect it, there's no firewall

settings to worry about. I'm seriously thinking of going over to it.

Try it in depth first before you recommend it. I've been using it continually since '96 (currently on 30 servers) and it is still a worse choice for even most techie users as a desktop than XP. Most of your other comments are just plain wrong.

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I agree with Alfa, AVG is much better from a performance point of view. I've dumped Norton. You can download tools from Symantec which supposedly remove their software completely, including the Registry. Seemed to work for me.

My only quibble is that many of the links for AVG don't work for me, for example www.grisoft.com comes up not found! I downloaded the free version from www.avguk.com

I've opted for AVG plus Firewall and I'm currently 20 days into a 30-day free trial; it'll be £31 to buy (2-year licence).



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I used to use Norton (and in fact have a legal purchased copy sitting in a box somewhere). However, it was so poor, its security so weak (if you read some of the small print about what it does not do), etc. I switched to AVG and ZoneAlarm (both the free versions). It was only then that I realised how fast my computer really was. Norton (and other similar “mainstream” packages) cost money, use loads of resources (CPU, memory, etc.) and are not particularly good.

You may consider switching to the free stuff (I use and like AVG and ZoneAlarm but there are others). These are proper professional packages (i.e. not hobbyware) that allow certain use without purchasing a license (i.e. certain versions and home use). I was reserved about switching having paid out for Norton but it was a far better solution and I have not experienced any of the problems I used to get from Norton.


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I also had horrible problems with Norton Internet Security. 

Towards the end of last year, the troubles were so bad, I tried to call

them. Email service turned out to be a joke.  The call service was

the worst I have ever experienced.  So, I tried to call the

service number in the U.S., thinking I  MIGHT  get better

technical support.  What a joke, my call was routed over to

India.  I got so fed up with the lack of any real help, I decided

to de-install Norton and buy something else.

Have you tried DE-installing it???  I thought the previous

problems were bad - the de-installation was nearly impossible.  It

took weeks to get it all straightened out.

Norton - NEVER....again.

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To actually de-install Norton is virtually impossible and can take an age. If you use the Uninstallation option it will remove quite a lot but often leaves other bits installed and running (e.g. LiveUpdate). You can then go through and kill off the remaining processes and manually remove them (which I did , took ages and I’ve still got some bits hanging around).

However, the standard un-install will get rid of the bulk and will almost certainly solve your problems (provided you do not re-install the same stuff).


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Seems like it't not just me then.  Thanks for everyone's advice.  I haven't had a proper reply from Symantec yet but intend to follow their instructions when it does come.  If I can't get things sorted out, I'm definately dumping it.  I expect getting my subscription money back will be a nightmare as well!!

Ian - I have uninstalled Norton and yes, what a trial.  I am no techie and was completely at my wits end.  I sent a stroppy e-mail to Norton (when I eventually found the page to do it on) and they sent me instructions on how to get rid of all the "common" files.  In the end I took my PC back to my brother in England and after backing up my files for me, completely wiped my hard drive so I could start again.

Recently (this month) I had to uninstall Norton yet again and followed Norton's instructions again, thankfully this time it worked.  But then re-installing it took forever and now I have this other problem.

Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh  !!


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[quote user="Suninfrance"]I expect getting my subscription money back will be a nightmare as well!![/quote]

I had a major fit when I renewed Norton AV.

I upgraded it from within Symantec all-singing-all-dancing SystemWorks but the whole thing crashed.

I fired off some very very cross emails and eventually got my money back.

I removed everything I could using Winpatrol and am now using AVG Free anti-virus with Zone Alarm firewall, as well as Ad-Aware, Ccleaner and Spybot to keep my PC running smoothly.

They're all free, with regular updates and they do what they're supposed to do. Not a single infection, invasion or contamination...

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Well - no response from Symantec, so Norton dumped.

Now running AVG Free, Zonealarm & Spybot Search and Destroy.  With the last one, do I still need Adaware?

A couple of questions - when Zonealarm was setting up it didn't detect AVG.  Should it?  Is there a way I can manually input AVG as my trusted Antivirus programme?

Clair - what does Ccleaner do?


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Ccleaner is a super fast clean up facility which cleans all cookies, temp files etc from your PC. It has a useful facility which allows you to keep those cookies which you want to from sites you trust (do this from the 'options' 'cookies' area on the interface). I have run this utility for several months now and wouldn't be without it, you can download it from www.filehippo.com .  As with most others in this thread I dumped Norton some months ago, went to AGV free, MSN Defender, Ad-Aware SE and the firewall on my Netgear modem/router. 


A bientot



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[quote user="Suninfrance"]Well - no response from Symantec, so Norton dumped. 

Now running AVG Free, Zonealarm & Spybot Search and Destroy.  With the last one, do I still need Adaware?

A couple of questions - when Zonealarm was setting up it didn't detect AVG.  Should it?  Is there a way I can manually input AVG as my trusted Antivirus programme? Clair - what does Ccleaner do? Jan[/quote]As Bobwils wrote, Ccleaner (stands for Crap Cleaner) is a useful utility to help your PC clean of unwanted cookies and temp files.

I downloaded them all and use them in turn about once a week, just to make sure if one misses something, the others will pick it up...

Belt & braces!

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[quote user="sid"]

I agree with Alfa, AVG is much better from a performance point of view. I've dumped Norton. You can download tools from Symantec which supposedly remove their software completely, including the Registry. Seemed to work for me.



Thank you very much for that tip Sid.  I dumped Norton (supplied pre-loaded with my new computer) several months ago but was left with bits & pieces that wouldn't go with XP uninstall programmes.  Found the tools to which you refer few minutes ago, ran the programme and it seems to have worked for me too. Great.!!!!!!


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[quote user="Miggimeggi"][quote user="sid"]

I agree with Alfa, AVG is much better from a performance point of view. I've dumped Norton. You can download tools from Symantec which supposedly remove their software completely, including the Registry. Seemed to work for me.



Thank you very much for that tip Sid.  I dumped Norton (supplied pre-loaded with my new computer) several months ago but was left with bits & pieces that wouldn't go with XP uninstall programmes.  Found the tools to which you refer few minutes ago, ran the programme and it seems to have worked for me too. Great.!!!!!!




Could someone please direct me to whereabouts you found the tools to uninstall all those rogue bits and pieces of Norton? I have looked at the Symantec site but not found the tools you mention.

I want to uninstall Norton from my OH's laptop and should like to be forearmed before I attempt this as I had such an awful time when I uninstalled 2003 from my pc last year - it is still not quite right. 





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Uninstalling Norton-DON'T

I had nothing but trouble with my computer after I did that, important bits (I'm not a techie)  needed for programs had vanished,everything was slow , computer never the same after that.


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I have uninstalled Norton twice recently, on a new laptop where it came pre-loaded and on an older machine which had Norton for several years. In each case I used the 'add or remove programs' (ajouter ou supprimer les programmes) option in Windows' control panel (panneau de configuration), looking for everything with Norton, Symantec, Livereg or Liveupdate in the title. It's a bit frustrating because you are told you cannot remove one bit without removing the other  - and vice versa - just ignore that. Also you have to keep restarting after every removal step. But it seemed to disappear satisfactorily. There may be odd bits left, particularly on the old machine, as it didn't speed up as much as I had hoped, but it certainly didn't affect any other programs.

I'm sure techies will have better ways of removing it but this way worked for me, and didn't need any extra software (apart from a replacement AV program of course).

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I also used the Add/Remove Programmes, and yes it is a pain to have to restart your PC every time, but I now have AVG Free, Zone Alarm, Spybot Search & Destroy and Free Internet Windows Washer and so far all is running smoothly.  Takes a bit of time for these programmes to scan my PC but I didn't realise JUST how much Norton slowed my machine down.  I could always tell when a new e-mail was coming in as everything else ground to a virtual halt and my PC literally "chugged" while it was coming in.  Not now.

Still haven't had a reply from Symantec about getting my money back, so looks like a phone call and some strong words.


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I have actually tried the following recently to remove Norton Internet Security 2002 from my windows 2000 professional setup and it works fine but do read the instructions carefully. Also make sure you already have your replacement Anti Virus and Firewall software ready to install BEFORE you remove Norton because you won't be able to safely connect to the internet otherwise without it.


I dont have any real gripe with Norton as it has one of the better Firewall programs and the Anti Virus is fine for my needs. The only reason I removed it was that my subscription is coming to an end and I wanted to check out Zone Alarm Pro 5.5 and AVG anti virus which seem to be flavour of the month (for now). Also my flavour of Norton has acumulated many updates since I purchased it in 2002.

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[quote user="fulcrum"]Also make sure you already have your replacement Anti Virus and Firewall software ready to install BEFORE you remove Norton because you won't be able to safely connect to the internet otherwise without it.


I'd be very careful about that. When I fist put Norton on my older machine it already had another AV program (called, confusingly, Norman) pre-installed by Fujitsu Siemens. The very sketchy French documentation made no mention of that, and the result was that I had an almost new, non-working, computer. The nameless French electrical store it came from was, not unexpectedly, useless in trying to sort it out so I had to virtually wipe the whole disc and reinstall Windows from the recovery disc before I could get anywhere. Not Norton's fault of course, but a lesson in not having two AV programs side by side. You may get away with it (AVG seems relatively Happy about existing alongside other programs as long as you don't have both active at the same time), but most likely not.

So do exactly as fulcrum says and have the replacements ready to install - preferably on a disc or USB drive - so you can install them immediately after you remove the previous software, not before. Of course, there is still a small risk involved the first time you connect with any AV software because the version on disc will not necessarily be up to date.

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