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PC not recognising flash drive - grrr

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I  have been using a PNY "Attaché" flash drive (128Mb) successfully to swap files between my W98 PC and much more recent laptop. (The PC doesn't write to CD, and of course laptop doesn't use floppies, so this seems to be the best way.)

I have recently bought a larger PNY Attaché flash drive (1 GB), but when I plugged it in ready to have some files from the PC put on it, a message came up saying it needed a driver, and giving the address of the PNY website.  So I went there.  Though I had forgotten, I have obviously downloaded the driver before (successfully), to make my earlier flash drive function, as the message came up saying it was already on my PC. 

Yes, it is apparently there OK, in C:\temp.  But whenever I plug the flash drive in, I keep getting the same message about how it needs the driver.  And even when I guide it to C:\temp, in case it has forgotten the way, it refuses to do recognise that it is there. 

What am I doing wrong?  By the way, the flash drive is plugged into a USB hub thing attached to my PC, in case that makes any difference.


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Clear out any existing Temp files, download the flash drive driver again, and install it (probably 'run' an .exe file). Use the drive directly on a usb port first, if it works, then try the hub, not everything works via hubs.


PS, read thse instructions, you have to install your driver




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Thanks for the swift reply, Mike!

I removed the existing program, which seemed to be in both c:\temp and on the desktop.
Went back to the PNY website, and clicked on download again - which went to C:\temp as an .exe file (so presumably no unzipping required).
Plugged flash drive directly into computer USB port rather than hub, and let it look for the necessary driver (in C:\temp).

Same result...  "Windows was unable to locate a driver for this device..."

I don't know if it's useful, but I used Windows Explorer to find the file in C:\temp, and double-clicked on it.
Two boxes came up: one said:
"Windows cannot run this programme because it is in an invalid format,"

and the other (which often appears when I start up my PC, but which I usually ignore) said:
Error starting programme
The C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CRTDLL.DLL file appears to be corrupt. Reinstate the file and try again.




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Just tried a few more experiments:

The PC (on W98) still recognises the old 128M stick (phew!) and will copy to it.

The laptop (running XP) recognised the new 1G stick with no trouble.

(Just thought it might be a faulty new stick, but clearly not)


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So have I got this right ? both sizes work on the laptop but only the smaller on the PC, yet both are the same type of device, just the capacity is greater, it that it ?

If so, I really don't think it should need a different driver:  my only thought is that  it might be too big a potential file size for W98 to recognize. Can you use the laptop to partition it into smaller sectors? Might work then.


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[quote user="Loiseau"]

....The PC (on W98) still recognises the old 128M stick (phew!) and will copy to it.

The laptop (running XP) recognised the new 1G stick with no trouble.



One other thought, is the USB2 Flash drive, presumably in view of the size, backward compatible with USB1.1.  Can't really remember, but don't think Win98 would be ok with USB2.



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[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]So have I got this right ? both sizes work on the laptop but only the smaller on the PC, yet both are the same type of device, just the capacity is greater, it that it ?

If so, I really don't think it should need a different driver:  my only thought is that it might be too big a potential file size for W98 to recognize. Can you use the laptop to partition it into smaller sectors? Might work then.

Spot-on Paul.  I did also wonder if the issue was the larger capacity of the new stick.

How do I "partition"?  Simply by creating a few folders on the new one?

Actually I am in less of a panic now I find that the smaller stick still works on the PC - even though I thought I had deleted the driver that it got me to install a year or two back.  At least I still have the ability to swop files back and forth...

Thanks to all for the input.


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My problem isn't with the XP end though, Pancake.  The laptop recognises the flashdrive with no problem, of course. It's the poor, grindy old W98 PC that won't.

But now I have found that the original flashdrive (128Mb) still works on the PC in spite of all my fiddling today, I think I shall just stick with that and not try asking it to do anything so advanced ever again...

I am so impressed with all the brain power on this forum though!


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Loiseau, As you use the internet and have two PCs, why not buy a chaep modem router and copy the files across the network? If you can use both PCs on the internet at the same time then you have a network already and should be able to use that.

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Is the PC fully patched (up to date with all the Microsoft updates)?  Win98 is old now (I know how it feels!) and it could be an issue with the system not be able to recognise 1GB.   Not checked  the Microsoft Knowledge Base re this, but it could be a known issue and there might be a download availabe to fix it.  Also USB  support is not native to Win98 so you  need to ensure you  have the correct drivers. 
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There is a generic W98-SE driver that works for me.

Note that it is compatible only with W98-SE English version.

The file name is nusbe24.exe and you can download it from:-


The procedure:-

To avoid conflicts uninstall any existing USB storage device driver.

Run nusb24e.exe.

Plug in the USB stick and let Windows search for, and hopefully find, the

appropriate driver.

In my case it works with a 32MB stick and a 512MB stick but not one

which is 128MB.


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Oh dear.  I have no idea how to find out whether I am W98 or W98-SE.  I always assumed the lattter, since I can run things off the USB ports, but maybe that is not a foolproof way to tell.

Anyway, I am staying with my present set-up, as the 128Mb stick works fine, which is really as much as I need to swop files and images.   The problem only occurred with the 1Gb stick, which I bought thinking this was Progress!

So thanks very much to all for the input, but as I can manage OK at present I don't think I will risk uninstalling stuff which is currently working - just in case I never get anything functioning so well again!!




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Dead easy to tell if you have SE. Right click My Computer then click Properties and see if it says Windows 98 Second Edition.

Unfortunately Win 98 was the worst OS of all for driver problems and although I'm clutching at straws a bit because you seem to have tried most things there are a couple of tricks you might like to try.

Firstly, go to the location where the drivers are and see if there is a file with .inf at the end, there may be more than one and to see them you may have to change Explorer's settings to show file extensions which you do by going to Tools/Folder Options/View and untick "Hide extensions for known file types".

If there is a folder called Win98 with a .inf file in it then that's obviously the one you want.

When you've found the .inf file right click on it and choose install then try your Flash Drive. If it still doesn't work and there are other .inf files try the same with  them, I doubt you'll have more than a couple though.

If the above fails and you are NOT using a USB Mouse or Keyboard then try this: (Don't plug in your Flash drive until the end)

  • Reboot and press F8 several times as the machine is starting up, you should arrive at a menu where one option is "Safe Mode", choose this and let it finish booting up.

  • Right click My Computer then Device Manager.

  • Scroll down to Universal Serial Bus Controllers then, if it's not already expanded click the + beside it to do so.

  • One by one highlight each item in the list and then click Remove (ignore warnings of death and destruction), then reboot.

  • When the PC starts up it will re-find all the devices and relevant drivers, you may be prompted to reboot along the way so do as requested.

  • When it has finished say a prayer and plug in the Flash drive.

If after all this the drive doesn't work I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Interestingly I've just noticed that the PNY site doesn't mention Win98 as as supported OS for any of the Attache range...!

Quote "Works with Windows® Me, Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® VISTA Mac® OS 8.6 and higher, Linux® kernel 2.4x +"


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