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Anyone know how to open up an Acer Laptop to get at the works?

Actually I suppose I'd better be a bit more specific, after all, anyone can open a laptop with a big eenough axe.

Anyone know how to open up an Acer Laptop to get at the works such that it can be closed again and still work ?

Mine has suffered a blow and the power lead socket has parted company from the mother board. Urgent surgery is prescribed.

removing all 376 tiny screws from the bottom of the case allows it to open a little, but not to separate into (hopefully only) two parts.


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Never done an Acer, but many others.  Just keep going at it, carefully, it'll give eventually.  Recommend you remove the battery and drive/s first.  Open up / remove all doors and check carefully for screws, there's always one hiding somewhere.  Problems are the plastic bits with barbs on, easy to snap in place for the manufacturer, pain in the **** to remove without damage.  Make a note of the various screws sizes  / lengths and where they came from.  You will also have disconnect various bits / cables / connectors to gain full access.  Tread carefully, ensure you are earthed and use a digi cam to track your progress.  I always say to my self, it'll only go back one way - yeh right!  I am assuming you are familiar with this type is work??  If not, leave it alone, otherwise you'll end up with a pile of useless bits................[:(]

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I agree with the last poster - unless you are familiar with this sort of thing leave it well alone, a laptop is nothing like a PC to dismantle and fix and unless you are very careful you will end up breaking something - the screen if you are unlucky! - they are quite fragile when being twisted and cojouled!

As for laptops in general - it is back to Toshiba for me in the future - I bought an Acer this time because the price was too good to be true.. 12 months on, the touch pad keys have worn through, the "J" key is missing, the hinge on the screen has now broken completely at one side and is on its way out at the other side, and overall it looks like it has been thrown down several flights of stairs! - other than that it is a good machine internally and aside from the "shiny" screen it has been good and I really would recommend one to light users, but for me it is now due replacement.  In contrast, my last Toshiba was 3 years old when I got rid of it - it looked like new and it was only replaced for more power.


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[quote user="Miss Babs"]I too had an Acer Laptop, crashed at least three times a day the biggest pile of P** I've ever wasted my money on and speaking to moh I've wasted plenty![;-)][/quote]I've had 2 Acers, still got the second, a Ferrari now 3 years old, and not a single problem with either of them !

Gyn_Paul, you don't say which model it is but I have a service manual for mine in .pdf format and if you want a copy PM me


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Thank you Funcrum, those sites were Ace(r). Just the help I needed. didn't realise the panel above the keyboard popped out revealing ANOTHER half dozen screws!

My Acer has been OK : I'd rate it about 8/10, although it's a bit old and slow now. My main beef with it is the power cord with a rt-angle plug on the end. Stresses the socket (held in place by the two solder connections on the mother board) far too much; always knew it was going to be a problem point even before the laptop took an unsheduled dive off the bed.

Took it apart and super-glued the bits back together again. Tonight - having given it 24 hrs to set properly - we'll see if it all works after I've 'mantled' it again.



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