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digital tv ???????????????????

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I have a satellite dish and receive bbc itv and some free ones-but do not subscibe to Sky.

When I receive tv it is based on se.region of UK.

As new digital switchover begins soon will I still receive tv as normal or do i have to buy another tv set or a different box?????

I caught a bit of news today stating people in nw ofuk. were to start next onth and various new boxes were discussed.

I am sure this topic will be of interest to all the non technical viewers and readers of our forum.[8-)]

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You're already ahead of the curve.  If you have a Sat dish/receiver and are happy with the cahnnels you get then do nothing, there is no change for you.  The digital switchover only affects those who receive their programs via a 'normal' tv aerial and who will shortly require an 'extra' box to convert the digital signal so their existing tv can use it.
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I think Pierre is right -  as you are already using satellite, not much - perhaps nothing, will change for you. 

The big 'change over' you are hearing about will be to do with the channels you are getting on your TV before you switch the satellite box on - i.e. the ones you may get through the antenna on the roof.

If you are using a TV antenna for watching BBC, ITV etc and perhaps video recording, then at some time, the signal you are using will be switched off as you have to go digital. (unless you already have a Freeview box) Not sure of the exact date for South East England, but I do know that it's not for several years yet.


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Do the answers to the question vary according to whether the equipment is analogue or digital? I almost grabbed a ridiculously cheap satellite kit at Brico Depot last week until I noticed that it was described as analogue whereas the more expensive versions next to it were "numerique" (which I presumed to be digital). You will have guessed that I am not technically proficient in this area.....

All I want is a basic kit that allows me to watch the main French channels and the main UK channels (from the Auvergne) without paying subscription charges and without having to worry about the analogue switch-off in the UK. But as soon as I am presented with options in a store, my head starts to hurt and I end up walking out with just another light bulb instead. It would be great if someone could post an idiot-proof shopping list.  

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Hi Alan

Not as simple as that (if only it where) as the French channels come from one satellite and the English channels from a different satellite you would need either 2 dishes pointing at different satellites or a motorised system which will point at whatever satellite the channel you select is on, sounds complected but it's not, the motor will set you back about £100 though, there are cheapo ones that do not last long, not worth the risk so you would need a "STAB MOTOR" the 100 would suit with a 80 cm dish the complicated part is setting up the dish  the dish bracket  must be 100% vertical otherwise it will drift of the arc where the sat's are, not really complected but does need to be right.

Hope this helps any questions just ask





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Thanks Fridgeman

As I already have a good signal for French TV through the existing aerial,  I should presumably have said I need guidance only on the kit needed for the UK transmissions. 

Edit: I think I may have just seen the answer to this on your post in reply to the Free to Air question!

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One thing I would add - as has been mentioned previously, there are several different kinds of 'boxes' available in the French shops. There are satellite boxes for analogue and digital reception - and yes, numerique is the French for digital. But, there are two sorts of digital boxes in the shops as well. When purchasing, make sure the one you get for reception of the UK says 'satellite' as the shops are full of terrestrial digital boxes which are for reception of the French version of Freeview called TNT (Television Numerique Terrestrial). i.e. French digital TV through your TV aerial.


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80 cms dish seems just about the standard size for  "Free view  " reception of the UK channels .....My  place in South Vendee gets perfect reception with one .....If its any help the way I did it .. and I get a kick out of doing this sort of thing on the cheap ....was to recycle a 80 cm dish from my local tip (£5) including wall bracket .....Grundig Sky box off ebay with the card in the slot ( £16 )  compass  sitting on the top of the wheely bid  in front of the dish mounted on the wall ..point the dish 23 degrees   East of  dead South   keep it almost vertical .....bingo ....wife happy can now see what Zac Dingle is up to !...... If  I  want to watch the French "Freeview  " again off ebay ..........a laptop TV "Dongle "  very cheap  less than £10 .I plug the the roof arial  into it   and watch all the channels on the  lap top .
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Depends on where you are: 80cms is perfectly fine for everything down

to the south coast/Spanish border. Indeed it's fine there too if you

are willing to put up with the occasional brown-out when a big black

cloud passes between you and the satellite. 80cms is paradoxically

easier to set up than a bigger one, and provided you set it up

accurately, you should be fine.


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Size depends on where you are - you don't say at the moment. For Northern France a 60cm is more than adequate - the satellite 'footprint' - i.e. it's coverage, is pretty much the same here as for the UK where the Sky people only use a 45cm.


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