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Smartphone + package for teenager

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My lad is now 13 which seems to be phone-envy age. We're happy to upgrade his current clunker so I've been looking at touchscreen phones and packages from providers. I have to say I'm fairly tech-savvy but the complexity of these packages even in English leaves my head spinning. It seems to be what they don't say in the blurb that's the important bit so I'm worried that I'll sign up for something with 2kb internet allowance and he'll be disappointed.

So can anyone give me any recommendations ? Phones and a contract for about 20ish € a month. He'll want voice, text, internet, music and camera and anything else cool teens like. I may have to manage down his expectations but understanding what I'm getting would be a start. My phone only does speaking and texting so that's where I come from !

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I cant help re a contract but I have had quite a few phones in my time . I use an HTC Desire which does everything. I think its great .

May I suggest you go on Utube and check out the reviews for the current batch of mobile phones with your son . There are some bright young guys on Utube who will explain all these Android and now Windows phones will do .
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I have an HTC Hero which I bought second hand from Ebay then got an SFR contract, 21 Euros a month. HSDPA 3g, unlimited txt, 200mb high speed down load from internet (rest unlimited), 1 hours telephone calling and two free 1 hours call to two other SFR numbers (an offer for under 18s to encourage them to ring their parents as the phone is for my 14 yr old!!). SFR now do "combine" cheaper packages if you have their internet service with them. My 16 yr old is with Bougues for his own Iphone (not on contract with them). 500mb downlod limit, unlimited txts etc. He never rings anyone up and is now re-selling his phone credit to his paypal account (dreadful rate but the credit is capped and if he does not do this its lost anyway). 14 yr old son's pal has an excellent Samsung Galaxy on his parents contract with France Telcom which was a good deal. We let our eldest chose his own phone, second hand, then got the contract he wanted afterwards. Coverage is good for both contracts. He has jailbroken three Iphones so make them unlocked for the rest of the family. Personally I prefer the HTC Android as you are not tied to Apple. A rebel sim card is another way round a locked phone without flashing the ROM.
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