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Easiest and cheapest way - temp internet in France

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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]Hi Stis - I didn't state it - Richard did!

Anyway - the Free Mobile link is:


I have the 19,99€ / month forfait (no contract) - if you already have Free broadband then it's only 15,99€ / month.

All details and tarifs on their website


Got it! Thanks.


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Hello all

Back home now. Thank you for continuing to discuss in my absence!

While we were in France we used the Apple iphone with data roaming on to pick up emails and then went to nearest coffee shop with wifi to answer emails when documents needed to be attached. All very laborious and sod's law happened regularly - just go home and find another caller wants info sending - so back into town again. This is really daft in the communication age.

We tried setting up a hotspot but it didn't work. It looked so easy on the iphone (new, 4g)  but couldn't get the phone and laptop to exchange even a hello.

We had cable connecting phone and laptop - what did we not do? Could someone spare a moment to run me through it?

I had had a brainwave - I thought - send myself the standard reply with attachments and then it is available to forward to a new recipient. However it did not always work - the attachments were sometimes unopeneable by the recipient. So that was another good idea out of the window. I am quite fed up - the week was cold (inside too with no heating except for log burner) and we had had burst pipes etc and plumber visits this week too. And a squirrel in the hayloft.....PB

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powersdeal - let me try and help without too much techo-speak!

If you want to connect to the internet using your laptop or pc and you DON'T have access to either a Fixed telephone land line (wired), dongle (Clé USB in France), Broadband line (ADSL in France) or WiFi (wireless) facility - then you can, if you so wish, use your mobile phone to enable you to connect. Essentially your laptop/pc can 'share' the 3G internet connection provided by your mobile phone by turing your mobile into a modem.

Obviously you need to be in a location where you have a good (3G if possible) mobile signal.

One way of doing this is if both your mobile phone and laptop / pc have a 'Bluetooth' facility - really simple. It's pretty straightforward and quick to set up a bluetooth link between the two devices and, once done, your laptop/pc can access the internet via your mobile phone. Your laptop/pc and/or phone will normally take you through the set-up procedure.

Voila! Your phone becomes a WiFi (wireless) hotpsot!

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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]LOL! powersdeal - let me try and help without too much techo-speak! If you want to connect to the internet using your laptop or pc and you DON'T have access to either a Fixed telephone land line (wired), dongle (Clé USB in France), Broadband line (ADSL in France) or WiFi (wireless) facility - then you can, if you so wish, use your mobile phone to enable you to connect. Essentially your laptop/pc can 'share' the 3G internet connection provided by your mobile phone by turing your mobile into a modem. Obviously you need to be in a location where you have a good (3G if possible) mobile signal. One way of doing this is if both your mobile phone and laptop / pc have a 'Bluetooth' facility - really simple. It's pretty straightforward and quick to set up a bluetooth link between the two devices and, once done, your laptop/pc can access the internet via your mobile phone. Your laptop/pc and/or phone will normally take you through the set-up procedure. Voila! Your phone becomes a WiFi (wireless) hotpsot! Chiefluvvie[/quote]

WiFi and Bluetooth are two different things, you can't make a WiFi 'hotspot' if your using Bluetooth. You need to check that both your phone and your phone network allows tethering. Apple phones normally have to be 'jail broken' although some do not, it depends. In actual fact your better off using a USB connection because using WiFi or Bluetooth does drain your phone pretty quick where as most phones charge via a USB cable when connected to a laptop (or PC).

Two things to think about, one good and one bad. Your mobile, if it is 3G, will also function as a phone at the same time so you still get calls and can make them whilst surfing. The second thing, which is not so good and assuming your using 3G, is that you won't get much more than 1mb bandwidth because of all the 'software' involved in processing the data both in the phone and in the PC.

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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]Oh well done Quillan - how to simplify things in one easy lesson! What exactly did your last post add ? For WiFi read wireless - we're supposed to be simplifying things for goodness sake..... Chiefluvvie[/quote]

Would you like me to make it simpler for you then so you can get it right nextime? [:P]

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You could have simply said "Tethering is a modern term for using you mobile phone as a modem" rather than use three different terms some of which you have use twice for the same thing. Alternatively you could have given a link to a website that explains it in simple terms like (after a quick google) ......



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[quote user="Quillan"]

You could have simply said "Tethering is a modern term for using you mobile phone as a modem" rather than use three different terms some of which you have use twice for the same thing. Alternatively you could have given a link to a website that explains it in simple terms like (after a quick google) ......




Quote from end of link.....

                            How to tether your cell phone will largely depend on your cell phone service provider and your cell phone model.

End quote.

To the very very very best of my knowledge there are no ISPs/FAIs in france who will contractually permit tethering of a PC at internet data financial charge rates. I would be most obliged to learn from you on this matter in order to upgrade my possibly deficient knowledge base.

Also as follow up in the event of tethering being contractually limited by the T&C of  the internet provider, I would be obliged if you would inform me as to the best way of disguising a tethered PC.


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[quote user="Quillan"]Well PPP I know you only too well and won't be dragged in to your games. Your excellent skills with google should enable you to find this out for yourself. [:D][/quote]

MicroHebdo have in the spring done the topic to death. But i do rather like the patch that makes ones laptop emulate an iPhone 3.0.

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Why would you want to do that, use an Android phone instead (been available since version 2.2 of Android operating system), works for me with SFR no problem. Well thats not exactly true as I don't have data included in my contract so every time I make a connection (yes you can still make a connection) be it just the phone or via my laptop and tethering they charge around €7 each time. It does not seem to make a difference if you are just using the phone or have it tethered the cost appears to be the same. Data transfer, in my case, was faster than my Internet connection at home. I won't be using it again because it's too expensive and I don't really have a need.

Still not to worry, they have been digging the roads up round here the last two weeks and putting the electricity cable underground. They have also laid another conduit that congregates with a load of others in to a new (very) big French Telecom box halfway down the street. On Thursday we had a letter from FT saying that they will be running fibre optic cables in to all our homes with a list of all the wonderful benefits this will bring which include up to 100mb broadband. I shall not be holding my breath for this and will only believe it when I am connected. Even if I got 5mb it would be a massive improvement on what I have now. We shall see, I have heard it all before and nothing happens.

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Not quite sure what you chaps are on about - whatever it is is sounds incredibly complicated.

I just link my laptop to either my Nokia C5 or Nokia slide 6770 via bluetooth and away I go with either my Freemobile (no restriction on data) or Virginmobile (restricted but unenforceable) data connections. Just check the T's & C's - pretty easy to do!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

[quote user="pachapapa"]€ 7...wow...reckon a Domino would be better, then.[/quote]

Hi Pachapapa, where's you bin? wish I'd known about this before, I must sing the praises of this device from the rooftops!

I have tried using my UK mobile as a hotspot at vast expense and with great unreliability, logging on and being charged for an unusably intermittent service from both apple O2 and HTC Vodaphone. Attempts to buy a French dongle were literally declined at several phone shops as useless in my area!.
Just to prove I'm no quitter I went into yet one more, this time an Orange shop, unfortunately the lovely shop assistant's attempt to explain and sell me the Domino failed especially at €100. Fortunately several Orange shops all in Rue Herge, Angouleme, and I found one to explain (she used google translate on her mobile to overcome my petit peu French) with an offer of €48 for the device plus 1 months usage for a further €20, so far so good, plenty of signal and no connection problems in most of the house! The only problem now is to get off the thing and do some work.[Www]


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[quote user="just john "]

[quote user="pachapapa"]€ 7...wow...reckon a Domino would be better, then.[/quote]

Hi Pachapapa, where's you bin? wish I'd known about this before, I must sing the praises of this device from the rooftops!


Check the 'Posting' date, he is no longer a member of the forum.

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