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Free Frankie One ......


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I have been following these posts with huge anxiety and like everyone else am delighted there is a good ending[:D].

If Frankie were my dog and I had got him back him after all these adventures, I would want to say a huge thank you to the person who took him in and finally brought him to the SPA so I could be reunited with him.  I hope his family will feel the same way, Pads!  Does anyone know if this family will have had to pay to get him back again?.......Like getting a car out of the police pound?

Diverging a bit, we have finally found a little orphan to be our second dog - some thanks, but rather limited, to the SPA, who failed to notice his first microchip and gave him a second one [8-)]............a long and convoluted story.  Watch the "Photos of Pets" thread as soon as we get a decent one!

Chrissie (81)


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[quote user="Chrissie"]

Diverging a bit, we have finally found a little orphan to be our second dog - some thanks, but rather limited, to the SPA, who failed to notice his first microchip and gave him a second one [8-)]

Chrissie (81)



Exactly the same happened to me recently!  Couldn't you find the owner with the first chip, or didn't they want him back?


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The SPA don't open until 14h and when I talked to Quillan yesterday he said that while he was there the phone was ringing constantly but none of the 4 people there answered it once. 

They are so very busy and I will keep trying this afternoon but I do have an appointment with the little 'un in Toulouse later. If I don't manage to catch them on the phone maybe Jonz could swing around there tomorrow afternoon and get the answers to Pads questions?


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Re our 2-chip dog, the first microchip was given to him in the SPA at Toulouse when he was brought in in Feb, apparently in a shocking state.  He was rehomed in about April but within a day or so they opened the car door and he leapt out and disappeared.  Next thing anyone knows it is July and he is found near Albi.  The SPA there didn't find his chip.  Fortunately for us, it seems the original re-homers have either lost all interest or just haven't been told by the SPA in Toulouse.  Interestingly, the protocol in Toulouse is NOT to transfer the chip "ownership" to the rehomers, but keep it in the name of the SPA.  This allows them to keep track of rehomed dogs who have problems, I suppose.

Sorry, Pads, I won't hijack your thread any more!

Chrissie (81)

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One of our dogs came from the SPA at Cholet - and they also have kept "ownership" of the chip.  As we have now had him 6 years I hope they look after their records well as I would hate to think that if the worst happened and he ran off (although that is extremely unlikely) they wouldn't be able to trace him to us.

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I fear you will have to visit, they just don't want to answer the phone. Perhaps they are full and won't answer the phone just in case its a person offering another dog to be rescued and they will have to turn them down. Alternativly they could just be lazy although the place was relativly clean.

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[:(] I have only got through once the last day I was there ....... Thanks a million for trying again your an angel.....[kiss] .

Have you seen the web site there is a e mail on there for french speakers [Www] but I think it maybe for the HQ rather than that office not sure [8-)]


I met the little white one with the black eye , hes a cutie isnt he ?

Maybe if your passing JJ [Www]

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Here's the e-mail I sent - 'scuse my French[;-)]

Bonjour! J'ai une amie Anglaise qui a retrouvé un chien perdu dans le village de Pradelles Cabardes. Elle a emmené a la SPA de Carcassonne ily a 15 jours. Elle habite a l'etranger et ne parle pas le Francais. Depuis le chien a apparement etait recuperé par son maitre, qui est de Narbonne je crois. Mon amie souhaiterais savoir si tout va bien et comment le chien etait perdu si longtemps. Elle se fait beaucoup de soucis et elle a quand meme tout fait pour sauver la vie de ce chien. S'il vous plait tenez nous au courant de ce qu'il est devenu. J'essaye tout les jours d'appeler le SPA de Carcassonne est ca ne reponds pas. Je comprends que vous etes trés occupés J'habite a plus d'une heure sinon je passerai volontier pour avoir des nouvelles. Mon amie est aussi interessé a faire des dons pour aider le refuge. Merci d'avance.

I got a response!


Je suis juste intermédiaire pour diffuser les chiens de quelques uns des trés nombreux refuges francais surpeuplés. Je ne connais donc pas du tout les loulous de ce refuge, car je vis dans le Var, à part en photo pour ceux que je diffuse.
Si vous me donnez votre adresse mail, je transmettrai votre message à une des bénévoles de la SPA de Carcassonne qui pourra vous répondre.


The person is in charge of duffusing photos of lost dogs all over France but will pass on my e-mail address to the volountary workers in Carcassone.

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Thanks Twinks not to sure what all of that said but I got the gist ....  Hopfully we may get some news about him.

Thanks also for your wishes for tomorrow ... I maybe be out of touch for a week or so .... but shall look forward to hearing some more when I get back [kiss]


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Yes he was reunited with his owner , but I was trying to find out if it was because they wanted him or weather they just felt they had to go and get him .... but I dont suppose I will ever know ..... I guess as he was so gentle and welbehaved he must of been well looked after once , but I was worried by the way he flinced when you moved your arms to quickly.... annd a few other things .

Are you obliged to get your dog from the pound or could they of said no keep him we dont want him back.? With out any fine or kennel cost slapped on them ?

Have you thought any more about getting another dog ? Its nearly christmas [Www] Warm bed by the fire or cold kennel it breaks your heart dosnt it [Www]


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Oh god that had me looking through his photos again and started the tears again, its wierd  Im always feeding strays on holiday but never get so attached. Little Frankie touched a part of me that hadnt been touched for along time , I dont think I will be forgetting him for along time .[:(] He was a special dog
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The last I heard was from Skat the bloke who's in charge of replying to people on the Animal Refuge website.  He told me he'd passed on my inquiry to someone at Carcassonne but I'm afraid I've still no news.  I tried calling them a couple of time since then but still nobody answers the phone.[:(]


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