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Speed/ Spirou Little paralysed spaniel at Carcassonne SPA- MIRACLE?!

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Update on Scramble. The vet came to the house today to see Scramble (and a couple of other dogs who needed their annual jabs) and gave him a thorough examination and watched him move around.  He is almost sure that he has been hit by a car and received a trauma to the head that has stopped the free flow of blood to the brain, hence his complete lack of co-ordination.  He gave him an injection of Candilat and a month's worth of tablets.  We now have to wait and see what happens BUT, to my sheer delight, the vet says it's not out of the question that he will regain some, if not all, his mobility if we are patient and continue to care for him as we are doing at the moment.  He approved of the sling we have made for him that allows him to walk supported alongside us and the other dogs in the fields and says that he's getting the right amount of exercise for his condition at the moment.  So there we are folks - for the moment I am cautiously optimistic.  We will post some more pictures as soon as we have a moment - it's actually a bit full time looking after him at the moment, also because he's attached himself to my husband to the point that he won't let him out of his sight....... bit tricky!  But he's eating, sleeping and doing all his other duties perfectly and we all love him lots!  I hope he'll be skidding around by himself very soon.

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Scramble today.........






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Most of the time he's not in pain - just now and again he yelps when he catches himself skidding along the floor or when we pick him up sometimes to move him around.  He gets very excited and literally scrambles about all over the place!  We weighed him today - 15kgs, so he's no light weight now and we will make sure he get's no heavier so as not to impede his ability to recover in any way.  My husband is indeed a good man and Scramble thinks so too......!

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The photos are now on Facebook on the SPA Carcassonne page, which is run by volunteers. Everyone asks about him all the time; he won all our hearts. I am just lucky that I get to hear about him firsthand from Merlin and I am also planning a visit....

Thanks Merlin!
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Look, look - here - 

Poor little dog injured in train crash - regains use of back legs with swimming lessons.

Where's your nearest heated indoor pool !!  

Today's Daily Mail   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1332332/Dog-hit-80mph-train-survives-makes-recovery-thanks-swimming-lessons.html

Something for next year perhaps - and just shows you should never give up hope.


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Indeedm swimming would be great for his back legs though I doubt our local pool would allow him in there!! Something for us to consider for next year if he's still struggling though - a small hydropool that would be easy enough to build with a little thought - I am always giving my poor husband projects for the animals whilst he tries to ignor me and get on with the house renovations!!.  We do have an ouside pond but right now I think not.... brrrrr  Have no doubts it would be just the ticket for him but for the moment we keep taking the pills, massaging his legs and he loves to get about in his sling at every opportunity........ which is usually on the hour every hour!  We even thought about converting a baby walker but the ground is so uneven that his nose would probably suffer quite a lot.......... do any of you remember the bruises the kids used to get when they charged around in them??  Sometimes I used to worry the family would think I was beating them!  Then again a couple of times they damn near brought me down too......... so now we have swapped our kids for dogs!  But we love it just as much.

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