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Message for Christine


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Hi Christine


Its me Max, Stephen said I could send you some photos, hope you like them & hope your keeping well


I'm having a great life, everybody here loves me and I get special biscuits in the morning but I must take my cod liver oil first


This is Lucky he was rescued just like me, he came when he was 7 or 8 weeks old, silly cat thinks I'm his Dad but it is fun sometimes

Lots of love


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What a lovely surprise this morning Max!  Thank you so much.  Stephen is getting better and better at taking and posting photos.  You look really wonderful and have put on some weight.  I'm so pleased to see you and your pretty upside down pal Lucky.  You are both very lucky to live with Stephen and his family and we can all see how happy you both are.

Please thank Stephen and tell him to keep them coming.   [:)]

With love to you all,

Christine xxx


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