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French cat found straying in the UK


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If somebody had the will to do it I'm sure the owners could be traced even if they had moved from the address where the chip was registered.

I think if I'd moved back to UK with a chipped animal which then went missing one of my first moves would be to inform the French chipping outfit where I could be contacted if anybody did report finding it.

If any members have friends or relations in the Bristol area who could

get the details somebody here in France might be able to follow it up ?

Imagine the joy you could bring to the cats owner, a huge reward in itself.

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Or maybe they have just dumped it, perhaps they had to return to France for a holiday or something, maybe its jabs were not up to date.

He certainly looks like an independant cat that would not pine and find food etc elsewhere.

I loved the nonchalant bit!

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