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Dogs alheizmers


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Do dogs get alheizmers or dementia; my 14 year old lad is behaving very strangely spending much of the day outside just standing still, even in the rain, then when called in, refusing to go on the sofa which he used to love, coming and going from his bed asking to go out, then back to his bed? And wandering round the house. Any noise, even a cough sends him scurrying away.
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My dog had dementia and started to go downhill from then on.  Sorry to tell you this, Wools.

The veto gave her some pills to increase blood flow to her brain and they helped for a short time and then they no longer worked.

She was also 14.  Do go and have a word at the vet's; they'll soon be able to tell you.

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Our dog did similar things to that. Standing and staring at things for ages. Then restless wandering. One of the strange things he used to do was go into the corner of a room stand there and couldnt work out that he had to turn around. His eyesight was ok though. He also started to loose his interest in routine times like walking or feeding. He lived to over 16 .
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Sadly, our dog was the same age and suffered similar symtoms.  He suffered hip dysplasia, so jumping onto things became impossible.  In the end the Vet believed he developed Cushings Disease.  It was heartbreaking.

I do feel for you Wooly.  If he is just starting to show these symptoms, I'm confident the Vet could offer some relief treatment.

Our furry friends are so important in our lives.  Our daughter keeps asking us to get a dog, but my heart is still broken over the loss of our collie.

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Sorry to hear that, WB. Dogs can get brain diseases, like cats can, and one who's been well looked-after so he reaches a ripe old age - well, the chances increase.

I guess there will be things you can do to help him. Maybe the vet has a medicine he can take, even?
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